No U2 references?

The film didn't need to pile on the U2 references because it's Irish or even because Bono and The Edge are thanked in the credits.

However in Dublin in 1985 with a story about teenage boys starting a band you'd think there'd be some passing comment like there was in The Commitments.

This was the year U2 performed at Live Aid.


I thought the same thing. Dublin + rock + 80s = U2. I'm shocked there wasn't a single reference to them.

Also, if there's ever a U2 biopic, the kid who plays the guitarist in Sing Street should totally be cast as The Edge. Resemblance is striking.


Christian, totally agree! Thought I couldn't be the only one to see a remarkable resemblance!


I think it has certain parallels with U2s story, obviously the Bono and Ali love story, the band coming out of a school, the guitarists similarity to the Edge, both in looks and character, the make-up and front-blond floppy haircut ... plus most of all the story was credited as the director plus Simon Carmody, who is local Dublin musician and one of Bono's best mates. It feels like an undercover U2 origins pic to me.


No Thin Lizzy reference. That's the real shame. U2 was sappy, Phil Lynott and Gorham are the real deal.
