MovieChat Forums > Sing Street (2016) Discussion > Why did Raphina wait outside the school ...

Why did Raphina wait outside the school every day?

And why did they cast a 20-something girl for a much younger part? I felt laughable when Conor said she was just one year older than him. I was like "Why would a grown woman want to hang out with teenage boys?"


And why did they cast a 20-something girl for a much younger part?

Lucy B was only 20 when filming began .A 4 years difference in age representation to her character is not all that unusual in movies. Women can get away with it much more easily than men can. Michael j Fox played a teen in back to the Future when he was over 20 . Thast the only time I can think of it working with a male. Probably because Fox was small in stature and still had a baby face


Still, Lucy is almost 6 years older than Ferdia and it shows. Or do you think she actually looked like a teenager in the movie?


My wife and I both thought she was in her early 20's in the movie. Later when it was revealed she was 16 we both thought it was ridiculous. It does seem like a grown woman and a boy together.

Still a good movie.


Still, Lucy is almost 6 years older than Ferdia and it shows. Or do you think she actually looked like a teenager in the movie?

I knew guys that were 16 and looked 12 when I was in Jr high and HS. Lucy was only 1 year out of Teenagedom, if you count 19 as a teenager. Trying to get an Irish accent actress that was 16 and fit the director's needs might have been hard to do. so he went with a 20 year old. I have shocking news for you . Most movies have things in them that are not exactly as portrayed. Its called suspension of disbelief. You know, like when you go see James Bond or IronMan films. You know there really aren't people like that, but you suspend disbelief for the film. Pretending a 20 year old is really only 16 takes much less suspension of disbelief than watching Robert Downey Jr fly in an IronMan Rocket suit.




Most movies have things in them that are not exactly as portrayed, but they are supposed to look believable. I'm not saying the director should've cast a 16-year old for the part, but he should have cast someone that at least looked 16 years old. If an actor doesn't look the part than it becomes distracting and harder to suspend your disbelief.


Raphina had nothing better to do than stand around looking cool, trying to impress the boys.


Why did Raphina wait outside the school every day?

They kind of addressed this in the first scene. Conor goes up to and asks if she wants a light (she's holding a cigarette). She says no, she's trying to quit. So presumably she used to smoke in that spot regularly, and going to that spot but not lighting is part of her process to fight the urge to smoke.

As for her looking old, I thought she was playing a pretty reasonable age. Her being only 20 in real life is way more realistic compared to these other movies casting even older people.



A lot of people keep saying she was only 20. I think the issue is that her age was more noticeable because she was next to an actual teen.



If you look at the cast of most teenager movies, there are a sprinkling of 20 yr-olds throughout.

When Raphina seemed out of Conor's league, and when personal details were touched upon, she seemed older because she was more hardened by life than Conor, but curiously, as the movie goes on, Conor seems to find himself in a scene where he essentially stands up for himself after she's made a condescending remark about his age.

As it became more clear that Conor knows what he wants and knows where he's going, and that Raphina has come back from London with her tail between her legs, Conor seemed older and her youth came through.


I completely agree with you, at the beggining of the movie she indeed seemed older, but as it went on and we learned about her life and the ideas she had, the immaturity and innocence of a teenager were revealed. That combined with Conor's learning and growing confidence made them become equals at the end.


I also think her life has been tough and she's more world-wise than most 16 year olds and it shows. She dressed herself up to go out with an older guy, hoping he'd take her to London. When she takes off the makeup, she does look younger, and it represents her vulnerability under a hardened armor.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


Maybe she was waiting to be discovered.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!
