I've lived in Ireland my whole life.
You're right, the ideology of Irish people IS often to leave Ireland. Apart from the Celtic Tiger years of economic growth from the late 90s to 2008, a large percentage of the young population were always leaving Ireland in search of jobs because Ireland was ridiculously poor. It wasn't until we joined the EU in the 70s really that we became a bit wealthier. Also we didn't even rule ourselves until the 20s, so we did start off a bit wobbly.
Apart from the economy, there was constant conflict in Ireland during the 20th century, and before that we were under the control of Britain. The country was pretty much run by the Catholic Church until recently, meaning we were forced to be extremely old-fashioned and conservative, so obviously most liberal youths were keen to leave. So, in a lot of modern literature and film there is that idea that Ireland is a really bleak place.
Nonetheless, it still is a really lovely place and no Irish person would ever say they hate Ireland, just that it's perhaps not an ideal place to be as a young person.