80s Anachronisms in Sing Street
This is very pedantic, but it's a compliment to the film in a way because if I didn't like it I wouldn't bother.
1. I don't remember anyone in the 80s on Dublin using the middle finger, the way the skinhead does in the exam. I could be wrong, but I thought the two fingers was still the obscene gesture of choice in those days.
2. I also don't remember anyone using air quotes in the 80s, the way the older brother does. According to Wikipedia these first became widespread in the 90s.
3. I'm not sure one schoolboy in the 80s would have been politically correct enough to say that another shouldn't use the term "golliwog", given that a popular ice cream of the time was the Golly Bar, which featured a golliwog on the wrapper (as did a certain brand of marmalade).
4. Even if they had been able to get a video camera in the 80s (at a time when they cost hundreds of pounds) there's no way they would have been able to edit the footage at home with that quality.
5. Did kids in the 80s, let alone working class Irish kids, have the kind of dental braces the band's manager has?
As I said, this is all meant lightheartedly :)