1. The book was OK, not a classic. I'm a baby boomer, so I was fed the propaganda that the astronauts were all devoted family men. It comes as a major disillusionment to find out that they were more like Captain Kirk, and of the original Mercury 7 astronauts, John Glenn was probably the only one who wasn't cheating on his wife. As idols will, they attracted groupies whom the astronauts called "Cape cookies," Cape as in Cape Canaveral.
2. It's been so many months since I read the book, I can't help you on what it said about Rene Carpenter, other than that she deliberately wore a different style dress than the other six wives in the cover photo. But having lived through those days, I remember my shock when Mrs. Carpenter filed for divorce from her husband. It makes more sense after reading the book and learning about the astronauts' penchant for fooling around with Cape cookies.
3. The time span of the book was the 1960s.