Interesting Character Introductions
It's kind of interesting that we got all seven of the Mercury astronauts presented fairly completely as definite characters, along with all their wives, but - I think - we haven't yet even seen a glimpse of any later astronaut. Of course, there are a lot of them - in the show's timeline, we're already up to 30, since "The Fourteen" were named in October '63 ... so it's not like many are going to fit, and the show is supposed to be about the wives anyway.
I'm not sure how they chose the three wives of The New Nine who've been made characters on the show. Marilyn See is going to make dramatic sense shortly, though you'd think Mrs. White should also pop up - of course, they already have Betty, and maybe they'll be more interested in Martha Chafee once she shows up. But why Borman and Conrad? Pete Conrad makes an entertaining and colorful characters, but we're not seeing him. Maybe Mrs. Conrad got in just to drop that Seven Sister / Princeton reference on Jo Schirra's social aspirations.