Favorite and Least Favorite Wives
I guess my favorite wife was Betty Grissom, but that may be because JoAnna Garcia Swisher has been a favorite of mine ever since Gossip Girl. The nicest, I think, was Annie Glenn. I liked Trudy Cooper and Rene Carpenter a little less than the other five, but basically I liked them all. I guess the one I liked least would be Rene because she was so outspoken and flamboyant, always marching to the beat of her own drummer.
You really didn't see much of any of them being mothers. I assume they all had kids, but, aside from the Grissoms having two boys, I couldn't really tell who had kids and how many of each gender! I
I was a little surprised to see Trudy ironing!
Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)