The New York Times front-page article on February 1, 1967 is long and very complete, with lots of details, such as Chaffee's father resting his hand on the steel coffin in a last farewell, the number of horses pulling Grissom's caisson, who sat where and the ages of the astronaut's children, what year White's father graduated from West Point, etc. etc. down to the numbers of Grissom's and Chaffees' graves (2503-E and 2502-F, in case anyone's wondering).
A few details may be left out, but the four-hour gap between the two Arlington funerals isn't one of them.
Photo caption on the front page, for a photo of Chaffee's caisson, following a photo of Grissom's service, higher on the page: "Four hours later, the caisson bearing the coffin of Commander Chaffee arrives at Arlington National Cemetery."
The second paragraph of the story: "Lieut. Col. Virgil I. Girssom, 40 years old, of the Air Force, and Lieut. Comdr. Roger B. Chaffee, 31, of the Navy, were given full military honors in ceremonies four hours apart."
Several paragraph in: "The first burial ritual, the one for Colonel Grissom, began at 9 A.M."
After the jump: "The rites for Commander Chaffee, four hours later, were virtually identical... Again the President motored across the Potomoc to the Virginia hilltop."