Ignores important facts and falsely assumes Hitler to be 100% honest
I watched about 80 percent of this long documentary series on YouTube before it was taken down. It was very interesting to hear the other side. But it's way too one-sided and biased and tries to portray Hitler as a saint who never did anything wrong. Yeah right. It also ignores a lot of important facts and distorts events too. That means it's definitely NOT an objective or unbiased search for the truth.
First, it assumes that Hitler was 100 percent honest and never lied. There is no basis for that assumption. It seems to have a personal bias and agenda to portray him as an innocent saint. It assumes that any excuse Hitler made to invade a country must be completely true and honest. For example, Hitler claimed that the German population at Danzig in Poland were being persecuted, as his excuse to invade Poland. All warmongers make excuses to invade or attack, but that doesn't make them true. Hitler could have used shills or agents to stir up trouble in Danzig, as US historians claim, to try to make Poland look like an oppressor.
Hitler also broke many peace treaties and invaded many nations in Europe which were neutral and never declared war on Germany - such as Belgium, Holland, Poland, Greece, etc. - without provocation. Yet this is all ignored and not justified or explained away. So how could Hitler be the innocent victim then, as this film portrays, when he was clearly the aggressor and invaded neutral nations? Am I missing something?
And if Hitler was so honest, then why did he break many promises to never invade those countries and violate many peace treaties he made, including the one with Stalin? Again, am I missing something?
Hitler did claim that the reason he invaded Russia was because they
were going to invade him too. No one disputes that. But that's merely Hitler's claim and excuse to invade. There is no proof that it was true. Dennis Wise merely assumes that everything Hitler said must be automatically true by default. That's an unwarranted assumption. Many invading nations have used the "preemptive strike" excuse (including the US invasion of Iraq) but it doesn't make it true. Yet this documentary takes Hitler's words as fact and gospel truth without basis.
The maker of this documentary, Dennis Wise, obviously lacks any critical thinking skills and has an obvious bias and agenda. He is not a neutral objective truth seeker at all.
Moreover, this documentary is not professionally produced at all. It consists of old vintage stock footage from WWII and lots of scrolling text running on the screen without any professional narration (except those used in clips from other documentaries), only background music. Anyone could use a free program like Windows Movie Maker to create such a documentary. It involves no cost, only time. Furthermore, much of the scrolling text contains assertions and quotes that are not sourced or documented, so their authenticity is suspect. When it comes to text scrolling on the screen, anyone can write anything, it doesn't have to be accurate or sourced. So the credibility of this documentary is highly suspect.
That being said, I agree that it is also unfair and biased for Western media and history to portray Hitler as a cartoon villain or mythological devil rather than a complex historical figure. So I do agree that Western historians and media are too biased against Hitler and that we need to have an understanding of Hitler's side, including his reasons and motives and whether he was right about some things. Merely demonizing him does not help the world understand him at all.
However, that doesn't mean that we should adopt the extreme opposite view that Hitler was a saint who did no wrong, as Dennis Wise has. Neither extreme is accurate. This long documentary by Dennis Wise is way too one-sided and tries to portray Hitler as an innocent victim and refuses to acknowledge any of his wrongdoings or faults. So it is not fair or neutral at all. Still, I'll give it 5 stars though, for presenting a lot of data from Hitler's side that most people don't know, so it is somewhat informative at least, even if it's too biased in the other direction.
For a more balanced and fair assessment of Hitler, and of his good traits and bad traits, and his complex motivations and character, I suggest you read the book, "Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny" by Professor Stolfi which you can find on Amazon.com.
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