
Impartial... So they say - looooooool what a joke


Can only sigh and agree with you!!!


Well the movie has the evidence - Where's yours?


Tell me, where was the evidence of the Danzig Massacres? Google it, the results are just more people asking the same question.


Google? Hahahaha LMFookinAoff, now there's the tree of knowledge.
Google hahahaha hahahaha


This "movie" doesn't have evidence, dipsh!t. It has pro-Nazi propaganda, that's not the same thing!


Salty tears


Is exactly what streamed down the faces of those dumb Nazis when they lost the war, and their "leader" killed himself (being the only favor he ever did for Germany).




Is exactly what Jews in Germany can do peacefully now that the Nazi bastards are no longer in power.


Not finished yet? I'm still yawning from your rant. Hollywood and political establishment. The story of "6 million Jews" being "exterminated by the evil Nazis" is a totally fraudulent narrative that has been manufactured and perpetuated over the years by Jewish propagandists and their lackeys. Psychologically and emotionally exploitative propaganda has been effectively used to reinforce and reinstill the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative over the years, particularly in the West. Now STFU and stop being boring


Actually, the Nazis themselves have provided more than enough proof that the Holocaust happened. There are countless documentaries released by Nazis during that time, that you can still watch, that instigate anti-Jew propaganda. Some of the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust were even filmed and photographed - there's literally nothing but the word of peo-Nazi and pro-Hitler people to combat that. And if that still isn't enough, my grandmother was a Holocaust survivor - and spoke about that terrible period of time until the day she died, as well as countless other Jews who were persecuted.


Keep talking sh*t rabbi, and eat your foreskin-filled bagel.
Happy Hanukkah


I put you on my ignore list, 'cos you're six million times more boring. BTW there weren't 6 million before the war, so obviously maths isn't your subject...
... is it?


Hanukkah was over a month ago, silly goose!

P.S. - LOL, you're so butthurt, so I'll go ahead and stop mocking you with my superior Jewish intelligence


If you can read this, I blocked your bagel-shaped ass. You talk too much *beep* so just get over yourself rabbi.


I win. Glad I don't have to put up with your Naz-loving bullsh!t anymore.
