7.8 rating....

Votes Percentage Rating
1589 66.3% 10

So I assume Stormfront has 1589 registered IMDB users.

You have to be a neo-nazi, or criminally naive and uneducated to the point of imbecility, to believe this was a legit documentary, and not a propaganda piece.


I agree one hundred percent! You seem to be the only intelligent person on this board!


to believe this was a legit documentary, and not a propaganda piece.

Absolutely correct.

This amateurish "documentary" even had the audacity to make use of an old Nazi propaganda film – without any comment about this fact whatsoever! – in order to "illustrate" its own propaganda message, i.e. that the concentration camps were something like recreational facilities:

Watch the documentary "Ghetto Theresienstadt: Deception and Reality" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2277812/) about the staged Nazi production of the film "Theresienstadt – Ein Dokumentarfilm aus dem jüdischen Siedlungsgebiet" (1944) for more details.

Theresienstadt was mainly a transit camp, kind of a "model" camp too, partly beautified and filmed specifically to fool the Jews of Germany, the Red Cross (!) and the whole world about what the Nazis did in the concentration camps, see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theresienstadt_concentration_camp#Use_as_propaganda_tool. Still the conditions were bad for many people, especially the old ones who were told that they were going to a nice retirement home in exchange for their money, many were deported to extermination camps like Auschwitz later (for example when the Red Cross was about to visit, in order to make the camp look less overcrowded), and many, many people died there anyway.

Unbelievable. Old Nazi propaganda used for neo-Nazi propaganda.

The chapters 20 and 21 which feature blatant denial of the Shoah have many denier claims which were debunked decades ago already (the Leuchter report, 4 million plaque at Auschwitz, "Höß was tortured to give a specific testimony at Nuremberg" etc), to learn more go here:


Votes Percentage Rating
1589 66.3% 10

So I assume Stormfront has 1589 registered IMDB users.

Yeah, this type of people naively seems to think that history is a matter of voting – which is why they abuse every opportunity to do so. Fortunately it is not.
