Lackluster songs?

Upon reading reviews (both critics and users), it seems that the general consensus is that, while the animation is gorgeous (as expected from Disney), and the characters are wonderful... not many seem to mention the songs...

Apart from critics and users comparing "How Far I'll Go" to Frozen's smash hit "Let it Go", it seems that this is one of those movies that have as many as, say, six songs in the film, but only one is worth downloading...

The Little Mermaid had at least 3 songs worth of praise. The Lion King had about 3 or 4 worth hyping about, and Frozen had about 3 which made Disney fans go crazy.

I'm not saying I'm expecting the soundtrack to blow me away... but ya know, they always were that "icing on the cake" which made these films worth watching...


How far I'll go was better than Let it Go imo
also: Where You Are, Shiny, Away Away were phenominal.


In your dreams buddy


All the songs are so damn great I can't pick my favorite.


To each their own. For me, I loved the soundtrack. It's the first soundtrack that I added each and every song (well, the songs that were sang; I didn't add any of the score, though I did like a couple) to my Disney playlist. I would put it right beside The Little Mermaid as my favorite Disney movie musically.


Yea I'm seeing some Luke warm responses to the music as well. I saw an early screening months ago and the music is the one thing that did stick with me. I thought the songs were great and catchy as hell.


Just because songs aren't catchy doesn't mean they are bad. Stephen Sondheim has made a living off of writing fantastic yet not so earwormy songs. The songs in Moana aren't necessarily all as catchy as Frozen, but I think they are still just as good. And I personally have How Far I'lol Go, You're Welcome, and Shiny stuck in my head on loop.


Yeah, it's honestly a bit baffling to me that there's been some people with such a lackluster response to the music, in part because I think it's absolutely wonderful (I've been listening to it constantly since the soundtrack came out), and also because so much of it has a VERY Renaissance Disney feel!

I won't pretend I'm not biased since I freaking adore Lin-Manuel Miranda and his particular way with music and lyrics, but even that aside, I just can't find a single way in which the Moana music would be "not catchy enough". I mean, if you like Under the Sea, I'd think you would like Where You Are; if you like Circle of Life, I'd think you would like We Know the Way; etc. I could see maybe if people felt like the music was a little TOO much like the classics we already know and love (I don't feel that way, but at least that would make a little more sense to me), but.... I just can't see how people who like classic Disney music would actually DISlike or at least be not impressed by this music 

I almost wonder if it's just a post-Frozen, thing, where reviewers are so focused on the "will there be another Let it Go?" question that they're not actually looking at the music for what it is? Because what it is is pretty freaking great, in my book! If anything, some of the songs just feel a little too short because I love them and want more of them, but that's a darn good "negative" to have!

Anywho, I'd at least say wait and see/hear for yourself before making judgements.. because I think there are many of us who would agree the music is not in any way a weak link of the film :)

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel


I think the music is spectacular! I've been listing to the soundtrack non-stop since we got home from the movie last night


I've been listing to the soundtrack non-stop since we got home from the movie last night

Same here.


I guess I'm in the minority's in this thread. I didn't like the music. I only saw it once though so of course I'm going to go and give it more listens. But if a song doesn't stick with you the first time, what's the point in forcing yourself to like them?

The only songs worthy were How Far and Away. Others I don't even remember. I'm a fan of Tangled but I'll be the first to admit the discography aren't exactly roof hitting, so if Moana can't even surpass Tangled, it's not a good sign.


I'm split on the songs in this movie. On one hand, I feel like 'How Far I'll Go' is a bit too generic to compete with other 'I Want' songs. But I feel like ' Shiny' for example is the best villain song I've heard in years. I also really liked 'You're Welcome' and 'Where You Are'.


You know, I keep wondering why people aren't talking more about Where You Are... I freaking love that song! haha. It's probably the one I've listened to most, actually, because it's just so catchy and Under the Sea-esque :)

I somewhat agree that for me How Far I'll Go is actually one of the relatively weaker songs... still gorgeous, but just a little awkward in spots and short so that it doesn't quite reach the heights of the most classic Disney "I Want" songs. But yeah, all the other music... SO gorgeous, and yeah, Shiny's friggin awesome 

Though I can actually understand there being a little less consensus on Shiny just because it's a pretty unique sound for Disney (parts are similar to Poor Unfortunate Souls, but over all it's definitely very Bowie-inspired, which can't be said for many other Disney songs haha). So I can see if that sound just isn't for everyone, how some people could find it weird/not catchy. But the rest of the music, I don't see what there's not to love for anyone who loves Renaissance Disney! How Far I Go might not quite be the best "I Want" song ever, but it's hardly BAD, and the other music is so strong and beautiful imo.

Oh Bambi, I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy. - Kurt Hummel
