MovieChat Forums > Moana (2016) Discussion > My thoughts on Moana

My thoughts on Moana

I saw this movie less than a week ago, and since imdb has decided to shut down the messageboards in ten days from now I thought I`d say this while I still can.
These are my thoughts.

Before I talk about Moana I want to talk about Tangled and Frozen. "Oh great! As if we don`t hear enough about Frozen all the time already!" I can hear many of you say. But trust me, I`m going somewhere with this.

I like many Disney movies, but none of them have given me a strong emotional experience. Then came Tangled. When I saw the trailers I thought it was gonna be like The emperors new groove. I didn`t have high expectations about it, I thought it was just gonna be funny. I didn`t even think it was gonna be a musical. Anyway, watch it I did and that scene where we see Rapunzel`s parents right before the release of the lanterns made me feel more than any Disney animated canon movie has made me feel before. I teared up a little. Finally an animated Disney movie that made me teary eyed! This would probably not happen again.
(I didn`t even cry when I saw Titanic. Sure, I felt sympathy for the characters but other than that it didn`t give me any strong emotions.)
Next Disney movie was Wreck it Ralph and much like Tangled I didn`t have high expectations about it. I saw it because a movie with a scene where several famous videogame badguys (like M. Bison and Bowser) meet in a support group seemed too hilarious to miss. I expected it to be funny and I was right, but then there were some good scenes with Ralph and Vanellope that hit me right in the feels. I thought it was just gonna be a silly comedy about videogame characters!
Well played Disney, well played.
Then came Frozen.
With two Disney movies in a row giving me the feels I think it`s understandable that I would expect their next movie (that was well recieved by critics) to do the same. I watched it and... it didn`t make me tear up.
But you can`t really judge a movie`s quality (or likeability) based on how much feels it gives you, because feels are not necessary and there are many other things that can work to a movie`s advantage. And I do like Frozen... just not as much as Tangled. I learned from my experience to not assume that every Disney movie would give me a strong emotional experience. Then I saw Big Hero 6. Sure, the story was a bit predictable, but a few scenes poked me in the feels. Then came Zootopia and I once again reminded myself to not expect too much, and once again: right in the feels.
And here we are now... with Moana. Once again I reminded myself that just because the latest Disney movies had found the keys to my tearducts it did not mean that this movie would do it as well.
I saw Moana and... it found the keys to my tearducts! Yes it has flaws. Yes it is formulaic. But I really like it.

I`m not looking for the perfect movie, just movies that really speak to me. If you don`t like the movies I like, fine. Like what you like and I`ll like what I like.

Notice that the word I`m using is "like".
Do not confuse "like" with "objectively good" or "dislike" with "objectively bad". Not that objectively good or bad doesn`t exist. It`s just hard to see them through our opinions.
Is Moana objectively good?
I like to think so. What I do know is that I like it.
I don`t care if it doesn`t beat Frozen at the box office.
All I know is that I like it.

There is more beyond the reef.

I`m 81Scorp and this is my signature.


I like it too.

I'm going to draw a comparison to my attitudes towards The Lego Movie. I didn't like it, but it is good. It just gave me way too much of what I expected from it if this makes any sense. Threw too much at the wall & a resukt its strength for me became its weakness. Overall, I can see why so many like it though


I'm actually with you. I enjoy this movie quite a lot along with the other Disney 'revivals' you listed. I don't care if it didn't make it to Frozen level of box office success either. There has been plenty other circumstances when it comes to that matter. A lot of talented, music, and storytelling effort went into Moana!

Now what do you make of the other two movies that are part of the Revival like Princess and the Frog and then the often forgotten Winnie the Pool (2011)? I thought the former was great as well. It sparked more interest in a new revival. The latter also has its charms with a sense of nostalgia, but it felt a bit too short for a feature film. I thought it was a good movie if you were a big Pooh fan. Another movie I liked before those was Bolt, which I personally like to consider a transitional movie for the revival, even though Bolt is part of the previous era.


I like The Princess and the frog, not as much as Tangled but I think it`s because TPATF gave me someting I wanted and expected while the latter gave me something that I wanted but didn`t expect.

As for Winnie the Pooh... I haven`t seen it yet. I`ll try to find it and give it a watch. I suspect that I`ll like it.

I`m 81Scorp and this is my signature.
