Cw hated this show too !! lol
CW started this show in late april ?? and put it on late on friday nights??
I have to think they wanted it to fail and it did in ratings, and they wasted no time canceling it!
I mean why cancel it after 3 eps if your going to air them all?
this isnt my type of show, and I only watched to see Sofia Black, but I liked
it .
This show never had a chance as CW Exec's did all they could to kill it.
They could have used it as a late summer show. or started it back up in jan.
The 5th ep airs tonight, I just checked, so they will air all 13 , but canceled
it after only 2-3 eps !! ( they do that so more people will watch ! lol)
Sure low ratings, but what did they expect airing on friday nights in may??
Who startsd a new show in May !! actually late April but same thing.
I started on ep 4, so I was late getting started and so may many others.
It seems CW wanted to cancel this show before it ever hit the air.
Also I usually dont like this type material but liked this show.
I think they could have casted better, the blonde atheist I dont care for, and the guy playing lucifer is not very good, and the black chick just cant act and looks odd.
But it is better than many of the other past CW shows, way better than hart of dixie, Tommorrow people, B&B etc.