So.. Is this it?

The info on my cable box guide said "series finale" but they kind of left it open. I've been a fan of Supernatural since day one, so I know you can only stretch the Book of Revelations so far, but I was at least hoping for a second season. I may be agnostic, but I still think this is the most interesting take on it since... well, at least my 40 years of tv and movie viewing.


Yeah unfortunately it is, the series was officially cancelled after the third episode aired due to low ratings. This sucks and I did enjoy this series, it was fun to watch without it being too over religious. I wish networks would give these things a better chance before cancelling them right away. Hell I even give a new series at least five episodes before I make a decision as to whether or not I want to keep watching. Just hoping another station or Netflix decides to pick this up and continue it.


I'm sad it only got one season, but glad they at least aired all the episodes they shot.

I watched the show Past Life and they didn't air all the eps! so disappointing


I agree with you that its sad the network canceled it so soon. I don't know how the viewing went for the rest of the episodes, but you'd think it would go at least half way through before they decided to cancel it.

Doctor Who fan


It was obvious by February The Messengers would not return, well before they announced it. The CW is usually more supportive of more shows but they gave it very little promotion from the beginning.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen
