MovieChat Forums > The Messengers (2015) Discussion > An answering machine? In 2015?

An answering machine? In 2015?

I didn't realize anyone still used those.



Not everyone is so enamored of their mobile phone that they've dropped land-line/VOIP home phones. Lots of people keep both. Especially, since bundled with cable or internet, VOIP is a lot cheaper than most minimal cell plans. Another benefit is that having phone service makes you a much higher priority for same day or next morning repair if something goes wonky with your internet service.

The answering machine/multiple handset phone that I have can connect to a smart phone, and put its incoming calls through the home phones, so I don't have to go running for the cell when it's charging.


I've got a landline as part of my cable/internet/phone bundle, but it comes with voicemail. I don't need a physical answering machine in my home. That is what I was responding to. I can't recall the last time I saw anyone with a home answering machine. My grandparents might have one, but they still have a VCR and a record player too.


My home phone plans have come with optional voicemail for quite some years, but I generally have it disabled by the provider.

I prefer to just hit the console buttons to get, replay, save or delete my messages, rather than dialing a Voicemail service and listening to the delays of the annoying menus for everything. Any of the multi-handset home phone units come with an answering machine base.

I'm not keen on cloud storage of anything personal, anyway. I don't feel confident in the protection from either loss or leakage. Even my rarely used Facebook account, in which I only have about a dozen pictures of my pets, has had several of the pictures inexplicably disappear multiple times.


My mother still has a working answering machine - and yes a record player and a vcr. Though I'm pretty sure the latter hasn't been used in a decade.

"Say yes with your voice, not just your eyes"


I hate voice mail and answering machines. And here I thought it was the cat's pajamas in the 80's and 90's. I remember making those cutesy personalized greetings. Now I just keep the default greeting.

I rarely check my VM. I just see what calls I missed and call people back. I don't leave VM's much either. I just assume text and be text.

Oh, and landlines ... I know few people who still keep a landline. I got rid of mine nearly a decade ago with no regret.

I prefer cable (not for TV. I refuse to pay for television, that's why we have advertising) for my internet high speed and no contract.


Well, a lot of people have record players as bands are still releasing music on that format. Maybe your grandparents are more with-it than you.

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


I only have a landline with an answering machine. My phone isn't even cordless. I've never once been tempted to get a cell phone.

Chthonic gods have set their sights on making me a slave to their ways.


Dragonflye, same here! i have never owned a cell phone and i don't plan on ever owning one. i have a land line & a answering machine (built into the base of the phone). i'm glad i'm not the only one who hates cell phones!


So, you love something, that enables you to call someone anywhere in the world, but has the disadvantage that you can only move it a few meters, from its stationary point. Yet when they took that thing, and improve it so it does the same, but from anywhere without being tied down to a place you hate it?

I don't get your logic, the only thing I get from your post, is that you hate progress...

Do you also have a typing machine yet hate computers?
Or have a Well in the backyard and hate piped water suply?


cheaper, clearer, no problems with reception, no pointless added features, no dropped calls, no crazy high priced bills and packages, no need for insurance, if it breaks its only $10 or something...

some times the need for "progress" isn't necessary for an individuals life. sometimes, if it ain't broke, why fix it.


My landline was more expensive, especially with so many friends and family who live outside my calling area.

I have basic cell as I don't have a need for a smart phone which does incur extra charges for those who use it as their only internet and don't have the sense to tap into Wi-fi.

My monthly bill is only $31.00 per month for 700 minutes that I don't ever come close to using up and that includes all of those otherwise long distance calls I make. I have a ten dollar discount from my carrier because I've been out of contract for years. It's not a flip phone either. I couldn't handle one of those because I text often.

On a landline I could run up a hundred dollar charge in month like nothing when I talk with my friends or family who live out of state.

It's handy when I have to meet people at an event where there are hundreds/thousands of other people to find where to meet.

I feel much safer with it on me when I travel in my car going anywhere.


speaking of progress...

Just because a thing can be done does not mean it should be done. Yes, I use my smartphone every day, and I do not have a land line. If I did have a land line I would indeed have an answering machine, not a service.

That being said, I get sick of having to listen to some idiot blathering on and on just because they do not have the common courtesy to keep their private conversations private. I can't count how many times each day, I see some moron texting and almost walking into someone, or worse, in their car whine driving...

Progress is great, but don't belittle someone else if they choose not to accept all of its glory.

...and what does any of this have to do with The Messengers?


Well, if your car ever breaks down in the middle of nowhere, as public phones are like an endangered species, remember that.

Chances are in that situation, your best hope is someone driving by stops and has one of those cell phones on him or her.


I can do you one better ...not only do I still have an answering machine, I screen my calls! Everybody who knows me knows to hollar who it is if they need to talk to me. On my landline its 8 dollars a month for basic caller Id which Im not paying. Im not a big phone person anyway so it all works out.

Don't bother sweating over your bills, in the end we all wind up in the hole!


bcowan-2, that's awesome! literally everything you wrote is what i do too! lol. i always screen my calls and people who know me know to leave a message so i can tell who is calling me. :)


I use a typewriter all the time.



Thousands upon thousands of people still have physical answering machines... I certainly don't but I have friends younger than me (I'm 27) who even have them.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


Can you ask your friend why?


Right! and the only one of The Messengers that has smart phone aptitude is the teenager.


I have an answering machine. I am also not ancient [29] It's nice to have because my home number is rarely given out and I know it's an emergency if someone calls it.....or a telemarketer!

-=Tyrion Lannister stole my pimp cup!=-
