MovieChat Forums > The Messengers (2015) Discussion > If you were the Messenger and could choo...

If you were the Messenger and could choose one of the 7 abilities...

...which one would it be?
Just to make it easier to recall:
1. telepathy;
2. healing;
3. enhanced strength;
4. shape-shifting;
5. spirit-walking;
6. visions of the future;
7. electricity manipulation.

I'd go with either 4 or 7. Too bad they don't have the mind manipulation/control ability on the show (like, persuasion in "Alphas", for instance).


i'd say enhanced strength would be my first choice then the electricity power.


Yeah, electricity manipulation is a badass power to have, agreed!


Shapeshifting. I'd be gettin so much tail.


scionic, wouldn't the fact you'd start forgetting more and more of your past (like Koa Lin in the show) change your choice of power? i'd hate to forget everyone i've known (and more).


yeah, I forgot about the memory loss. I guess I'd just have the strength powers. The healing power is pretty neat, but it seems most of the powers come at a price. I wonder if messenger #7 will have a drawback to his powers.


Once the 7th messenger is found, than none if them have any negative side-effects of their use of their powers. Also, it isn't telepathy, Raul is able to only know what certain people are thinking at certain times.


JJett, I have ADHD, so my memory sucks enough already. Haha. Wouldn't scare me off the power of shape-shifting, me thinks.


Well if I was in a situation like the Messengers where I was fighting for the world and my life, I'd choose strength or healing. Just to have? Spirit-walking. Telepathy would get messy and complicated I think, plus, sometimes you initially think things that you change your mind about or on after some thought so it could also be a bit misleading in that regard.

Just a side note but I kinda wish the Messengers had a few abilities they all shared and then had a special one that was only for them, I guess the direction they took with the show didn't really need that but still.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


Vera's but I don't know about the possibility of dying after 6 minutes.

Emma Frost's homecoming countdown -
