
So the two scientists are heading towards the meteor, yet the guy who crashed landed with the meteor came from the same direction as them....would it really be that hard to make that scene right, all they had to do was have the naked guy walk up the road from the opposite direction.


Not the only one, either -- as Vera's truck heads down the highway toward Houston, distances shown on the sign for Houston (333), El Paso (460) and San Antonio (755) bear no relationship to the real world from any point on the Earth's surface, much less anywhere in SE New Mexico near Socorro where the Very Large Array is located.


I noticed that sign right away too. I was like WTF? You would think the show runners could look at a map of Texas just once before putting a road sign in the show.



Yet another stupid goof that really should not have occurred but shows the ignorance of whoever created the props.

When the cell phone is tracked by the police, the screen shows the coordinates of Houston as 15º13'40.6"N 306º41'42"W. 306º is not a valid longitude and even if the longitude was correct, 15ºN would be off the Pacific coast in southern Mexico. The correct coordinates for Houston are approximately 29º54'N 95º25'W.

I know movies use the 555 prefix for phone numbers to prevent problems but why do they need false coordinates for a major city? Or is it just a result of stupidity?


They wouldn't be able to just walk up to a fresh meteor crater without burning to death without protective clothing. Then they picked up that rock from the meteor bare handed.
