I believe they said Elias took a post-mortum bullet up the ass - a parting vindictive shot from the killer. But wouldn't the the killer have shown up on the camera if they'd stepped into the tram to deliver that parting shot?
Why not? He could have made the shot, and that's great. He (or she) makes their point. Or if it didn't go right up the pipe, it's just a second shot to make sure the guy is down. It's a TV show, too.
"That would take a sharpshooter." Great. Maybe it was a sharpshooter. Or, maybe it was just a really, really good shooter. Either way, it's possible. Not a plothole.
It's not a big deal that you don't know what a plothole is. It's going to be ok. Keep on laughing if it helps you get through the day. IT's not a plothole. You can keep saying it all day long. That won't make it true.
You also miss the point, which is how the shooter could hit that small a target at that distance. He couldn't. He'd have to have entered the car to get much closer to Elias, and had most of his body caught on camera entering and exiting the car. But I'm not sure the Angels Flight camera showed that the shooter was even inside the car. Hence the script hole.
> You also miss the point, which is how the shooter could hit that small a target at that distance.
Not really ... first, I think you took the ass hole literally, like a bulls-eye. He was shot in the butt.
Go look again ... the shooters hand was visible in the camera. It doesn't matter where his body was since it is not on the video. I hear you repeating yourself but not saying anything different? Tell me what I am mssing, specifically.
"...you took the ass hole literally, like a bulls-eye. He was shot in the butt."
No. It's specified in the series and the book that Elias was shot in the anus. Santiago even likens it to rape.
The killer would have had to enter and cross the car to be close enough to Elias to fire that shot up his rectum. That's what you're not grasping. Your comment that "it doesn't matter where [the killer's] body was since it's not on the video" is nonsensical.
You cannot take TV series seriously ... the shot was made, therefore the shot was made. It's like saying no one ever goes to the bathroom on TV is a plot hole. It's a moot point.
It's possible the shooter just shot toward the back of the guy, not intentionally aiming for his grommet, but the shot just happened to hit exactly there. It had to hit somewhere.