MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Worst CBM ever makes more money than 10 ...

Worst CBM ever makes more money than 10 MCU movies.

The facts don't lie people. And remember SS wasn't released in China which makes the irony even more ironic.



Yeah, a few DC movies make all the money because there are hardly any DC movies for the DC fans to spend their money on, and even fewer DC movies that are actually worth seeing!

Thus, yes, one (not so good) movie can make a crap ton of money since the DC fans converge on it with their hearts just bursting with HOPE!

Marvel fans actually have variety to choose from and don't have to dump their money, en masse, into just one or two movies.


Still failed in the domestic dept.




poor marvites have no answer for this conundrum...


Box offices numbers does not equate to good or bad movies. Some of the most popular movies ever made were box office failures while Tranformers continue to make all the money. Who cares?
