(YAWN) Yet another CGVM! (CGI Greenscreen Videogame Movie)
I mean the type of movie which is not filmed on real locations but on sets covered with green cloth, and the actors have to use their imagination to react to things that aren't there, and mostly fail, miserably. And CGI, too! LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of BORING CGI! And it's all ridiculously over-the-top and FAKE, too! I just can't get interested, let alone invested, in two or more fully CGI characters fighting for "high stakes", and the whole thing feels like a fucking videogame (most of which suck these days) and I cannot figure out why people just don't bother watching the movie and play the real videogame version instead, they're nearly the same!
Wow, people are stupid: they bash the Star Wars Prequels for the moderate amount of CGI and greenscreen they used, yet here's these stupid movies that come years later that use 100x more CGI and greenscreen and yet they are praised because they have people in spandex doing silly things they saw in paper periodicals with bright colours and silly stories as children.
Grow up and put away childish things, for crying out loud!