MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Can people who have seen Thor 3 tell me ...

Can people who have seen Thor 3 tell me if the humor goes too far like in GOTG 2? (without spoiling please)

While I liked the ending of GOTG 2, I really thought the humor went too far. Not that I was offended, but it felt like it was trying too hard with the adolescent gags (turned it up to 11) and I couldn't take any scene with them in "danger" seriously. And Rocket Racoon was grating to me after a while.

I'm worried that Thor 3 will also turn it up to 11 and get too silly. I can take some silly but too much starts to turn me off.

Obviously, this is my opinion of GOTG2, and I know many enjoyed it, so not saying people are wrong in liking that level of humor. I just want to know where Thor 3 lies on that scale.


I thought there was more humor in Thor than in GOTG2. This was a thought I actually had during the movie: "This film actually has 'dramatic Relief' instead of comic relief.


I thought the humor in GOTG2 worked as it's a comedy.

I thought they could have done without as many jokes in Ragnarok. I still enjoyed it, though.


Yes, it has way too many jokes


I prefer it this way.

See, I find it kind of embarrassing to take something like "almost-magic guy with big hammer" very seriously. That's one thing that will put me off many comic books, they seem to try to make everything super-important and epic and yawn.

I can't even bring myself to watch Batman vs. Superman because I fear the overbaked seriousness of it all, just a big expensive anti-joke starring people in fancy Halloween costumes.


It isn’t being hailed by many as the funniest MCU movie to date for no reason.

The movie’s humor may feel force to even fans who liked it (not every joke lands—albeit it all depends on the viewer), but if you ask me it flows naturally if you appreciate it as a comedy and not a movie with comedic elements. The idea of having Thor as a comedic character may not sit well with some, however his character has been humorous since he debuted in the MCU, and it’s always worked for him.

In Ragnarok, there are several moments where Thor is being dead serious, but to others around him he looks absolutely ridiculous that he becomes part of the joke. That’s how it’s been since the first movie, but this time it goes up to eleven! Taika Waititi imo knew how to properly handle this. Having said that, to my mind Thor in this movie was the same Thor as before pretty much the entire movie... only he jokes around a bit more and goes through a major change by the end. Those more serious moments, particularly those with his father, leave an impact in a movie packed with funny jokes.
