A bit of a long one...
Why do people keep asking for more of these and why should u expect to see more in the foreseeable future? Because superheroes basically kick ass. There was a time when these types of characters mainly appealed to “nerds,” and past attempts at making movies targeted at groups like this proved to be woefully unsuccessful. Here’s the thing, superheroes have always been the greatest fictional characters. They are powerful, unbelievably cool, otherworldly, and depending on the comics, it is easy to relate to some of them. When Burton’s Batman films came out, people took notice because they were more than just superhero movies. But, it took a while for the genre to be taken seriously by critics and general audiences. In comes the 21st century and “simply fun” superhero movies proved they could be technically impressive, be full of depth, and feature well-written and universally appealing characters (X-Men started it I would say). The game changed and it’s unsurprising this genre has become the biggest thing in the world. I think one of the most appealing aspects about these movies, is they are not just “superhero movies”... but movies ABOUT superheroes. They tend to be as character driven as they are action driven. So people that see these movies as “mindless” and “shitty”, they couldn’t be more wrong.
Anyway, apart from these big screen adaptations focusing on legitimately great characters with excellent stories, they pretty much deliver all the big thrills almost anyone could want from a cinematic experience. What’s more, the majority of them (mainly those based on Marvel comics, let’s be fair) are genuinely made with intelligence and sensitivity, and with all the advanced made in special effects, today these movies look proper and provide perfect escapism. Speaking of which, a lot of people sure need escapism right now; with the nasty political climate and troubling times overall, the demand for movies that essentially bring joy, excitement, and dare I say hope to people, is stronger than ever. (Call it corny but there’s truth to that.) PG-13 also being the common rating hasn’t been detrimental in terms of quality. I love the opportunities Deadpool opened up, however gritty and violent superhero movies shouldn’t completely take over just yet. Unless a certain comic movie calls for a hard R rating, then making a quality movie is what counts.
With all that said, assuming the hugely anticipated Avengers Infinity War disappoints, I bet the popularity of these movies won’t be diminishing any time soon. Yes, they continue to reign supreme because of profit (people feel like these “cash grabs” have been worth their money, good for them). But when Marvel (sometimes DC) puts out 3-4 of them a year, the fact is they make good movies, all unique in their own ways, and they are part of an expanding universe that keeps enticing people. The amount they put out may be exhausting to you, but by no means does Marvel show any signs of going downhill. So haters, I’m afraid you’ll keep whining about how subpar these “kids” movies are for years to come. Sad. I’ll be frank, I was big into the movies that started the age of superheroes (Spider-Man/X-Men/Batman Begins), and yet right before the new era of superhero cinema arrived, I had lost interest. But fortunately I grew out of my “I only watch real cinema” phase and decided to see what all the fuzz was about. And you know what? I have been pleased big time ever since. 😀 In closing, I’m ready for the third Thor and the upcoming great comic films!