MovieChat Forums > iZombie (2015) Discussion > "I never saw Star Wars"......Deal breake...

"I never saw Star Wars"......Deal breaker?

That scene when you see the look on Ravi's face when the girl says she never saw Star Wars was priceless. One of the best moments in the entire show's run.

So....if a girl you really like turns out to have never seen Star Wars and you clearly get the vibe she doesn't ever care to nor will she like it if she ever possible GF status immediately thrown out the window?

I say yes.

Have you ever noticed that the people who say "DC is for adults and Marvel is for kids", are kids?


It goes to having things in common and finding someone who will 'get' you. Not knowing my favorite movie is not a deal breaker, but when I noticed The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on my now husband's bookshelf, it certainly worked in his favor.
