The Hack

When the kids got the extra security, they didn't know why. I think they are old enough to know why. The Secretary & Dr. McCord should have told them about the hack.

Of course, that would have made for less conflict over Jason's iphone.


What i am curious about who is after liz family.


"Liz"? I think her nickname on the show is "Bess".


Really she has a lot of nicknames.

Henry normally calls her Liz.

Dalton, and her CIA chums calls her Bess.

Her brother and old friend who was murdered in season on call her Lizzie.


Yeah me to.

And to what end? Politics? Revenge?


My guess is that at some point it will appear to be the SH terror group Henry is working against, but then it'll turn out to be a domestic group.


I've thought there's a good chance that this is Russia striking back at Henry over the events of last season, actually. It'd make sense, given the constant Russian hacks that keep popping up in our actual news.

Dear IMDB: I refuse to use your new emoticons.
