MovieChat Forums > Fortitude (2015) Discussion > So who's Hacking Robbie?

So who's Hacking Robbie?

I reckon it's Elena!!! What do you all think?




Hard to tell, but wasn't Elena with Carrie at all times on that day? What would be her motive? Elena has a lot of secrets though.


Elena might be the least likely lol but you never know.... Could have nipped out gone to the house... Clocked off Ronnie and gone back to the girl ?? tbh she doesn't have motive but she's looks so dodgy


Elena has a lot of secrets though.

So much so that she's the only other link, beside the mammoth, between the two that went bonkers.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


She's also linked to the first victim, Billy Pettigrew. He was staying in the hotel she works at. His room was the one with the floor boards replaced, likely due to blood stains. Sheriff Anderssen definitely knows something about her we don't. Could she be patient zero, Pettigrew was her victim, and Anderssen was trying to cover it up to protect her? He could have taken the near dead Pettigrew to where he thought a bear would discover him.

Although that doesn't explain a quite a few things; the handcuffed arm, that she appears to be completely healthy while Shirley and Liam were both really sick, the time she was holding the rifle on the door with Anderssen on the other side like she was afraid of him, or what Anderssen was doing in Professor Stoddart's house before anyone knew he was dead. Oh..... maybe Anderssen is patient zero and she knows, helped hide it, but is still afraid of him.


what Anderssen was doing in Professor Stoddart's house before anyone knew he was dead.

Dan went there after Hildur came to him and said: "Charlie won't give us the hotel, he says something has been found, but he won't say what it is"

Obviously, this sounds like Charlie's just being a prick so he went there to talk to him about it. Not sure how he managed to get inside w/o breaking another window, like Vincent did, but I guess we're supposed to assume he went in despite no one answering cause he suspected something. Maybe he heard glass shatter after Vincent threw a chair, so he went in to investigate.

I thought from the get go that his reason for being there was obvious. I didn't know if he had killed Charlie, but I knew why he went to see him.

Really, they made everyone look suspicious of Charlie's death.

Anyhow, I just hope that Dan's part in Petigrew's death will get justification in the end - he's been played as kindest, sweetest man with crushes for short haired brunets, his excuse for killing a man in such horrible way has to be something we would all do.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


To be honest, I threw in those final points about Dan as an after thought. I think Elena is the more likely candidate, at this point at least. Who really has any idea where this is going? (Which is a big reason why like this this show so much.)

I'm still not as convinced as you are about Dan being there just to talk. I know they initially purposely made everyone look suspicious of Charlie's death, but Dan has had chances to explain that night's events since then and has not. Those unanswered questions are lingering.

That said, I do agree I hope Dan comes out on top and is redeemed in the eyes of the townpeople. He really is a great character.


You know what, I think it may also be the guy, was he Jason's brother? The guy from gun store? Ronnie broke his nose, and he seems like a prick who'd hold enough of a grudge to hack a man over it.

Shame tho, I liked Ronnie - and one of these days Carrie or Elena will open that door and find him dead :(

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming



He was, but not very much. Plus his eyes were weird. He'll soon either be dead, or become some thing :(

They said cannibalism isn't the only abhorrent behavior, maybe this thing he became is one of those other "behaviors"

And he was one of most prominent characters too :S

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


When did Ronnie break Jason's brothers nose? I'd forgotten that. He does seem a bit dodgy. I thought after the last episode it may have been him, as I'm not sure if Jason himself would be up to it and he looked too lucid on the 'next week' preview for it to be a case of mammothitis.

Was the guy attacking Ronnie with the axe also wearing a helmet? Because they put that bike/helmet in a very prominent position on camera when Tucci first walked into the gun-shop.

Maybe he deliberately made the attack look like a copycat killing so there'd be no attention on him.

I'm 99% sure Ronnie won't die in that boiler-room. He'll be up trying to pull a Liam/Shirley. Even though he's in bad shape, whatever is causing people to go psychotic also gives them the strength to temporarily get up and murderise.


Same time he got his hand hurt. He was asking Jason's bro for a boat, which he wouldn't give and he pulled a knife on Ronnie, so Ronnie grabbed a knife with his bare hand cutting it, then twisted it out of JB's hand. Then he pummeled him and finally put his head in the bag and left him there.

Cops found him like that when they went looking for him cause he was Jason's alibi for Charlie's murder.

Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


I think the guy who took the tusks on the boat hacked Ronnie


Why would the guy who has got away with the valuable tusks then boat all the way back to fortitude, know where Ronnie lives and then hack him up for no reason.????


This is fortitude we are talking about maybe tusks from carcass messed him up. and mgabe him the murderous tendancies like liam and shirley


what's the matter with you people?? it was obviously JASON, before he shot himself he said to his wife, ronnie is still in the house. (and ronnie came home before his daughter carrie, when he was attacked, the home movie was playing... it only stopped when elena turned it off.


I think it was the daughter...
There was a small part of their journey skipped.
