MovieChat Forums > Fortitude (2015) Discussion > they pulled a fast one halfway through.....

they pulled a fast one halfway through...

Thought this was going to be a murder mystery and was very excited about the cast and the location of this series. This could have been such a cool show. Just seeing how people live in the arctic would have been interesting enough but they didn't let the town or the characters develop at all. The show starts off with a murder mystery type feel and then turns into some sci fi garbage...


Yep, that's when I gave up on it. What a waste. The show had potential.


Its not SciFi, there is a real parasite that makes people crazy including violent. If it was headed towards anything it would be horror.


It wasn't sci-fi, although I thought it might go there at one point as well. However, if you keep watching, you'll see that it's not sci-fi.

~After enjoying that movie, I figured I would drop by IMDB to read about its problems.


Perhaps your right... As the previous poster stated a "real" virus that makes people crazy(cut open the stomachs of their loved ones) isn't science fiction it's horror. Well I'll settle with horror fiction... Either way the show had real potential but was a total bust.


it was a murder mystery, with 'sci-fi garbage' alongside it from the GET GO, and resolved seperately. you have to be pretty slow if this is considered a fast one.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.
