You're a moron or else you'd understand how unnecessary that is.
And you're a *beep* retard because you fail to see how it juxaposes the situation against itself.
In fact it's possibly the first time I've ever seen a movie think it's necessary to depict it
Oh well... First time for everything, I suppose.
and I've seen (It's hard to quantify) but I'd say tens of thousands of movies if not hundreds of thousands.
And you've never once encountered port mortem flatulence?
I'd say you're lying about having seen that many films.
And don't presume to tell me to get over it!
Don't be a dick, then. Get over yourself... and THEN get over it!!
Not at all... when I was 18 or so, I had a couple friends over to watch Mother's Day(1980) and my one friend kept cheering the son's on while raping the females they had captured.
Ah, so your ONE anecdote about ONE person counts for ALL people, does it?
Hey, I met a Scottish person once, so surely ALL Scots are tight-fisted ginger *beep* right?
I wonder how reclusive you must be, to think that's a stretch.
I wonder how reclusive you are, that you would think one experience is representative of the norm...
Catholicism is satan's work and the rest of what you say proves your narrow-minded hatred.
Organised religion is a system created by man to control a mass populace. It's pretty obvious.
It's more convenient for sinners to think there's no God, so they don't have to discipline themselves and that's what society is progressively doing. We're all sinners.
If those who claim authority start telling everyone they're born in sin, live in sin and will all go to Hell anyway, why would/should people bother - *beep* it, right? That's all responsibility eliminated and taken away from us before we even try. The government want complete control of us and that's the result... and it started with religion. Some nations and states have tried to separate State from Church but, as before, people are corrupt and new forms of control take the place of the religions.
No, you are literally presenting that argument, duh!
You brought up Christianity, specifically leaping to vehemently defend it when I hadn't even mentioned it - Strawman.
You know, the one that says Christianity is accountable for X amount of deaths in it's name and that's a reason to hate it.
That's not an argument, that's a counter to your own assertion.
Wake up Einstein and follow along.
Think you'd better take your own advice first, matey. That way you might at least understand how and why films like these actually work.
You're seething with animosity for Christianity yet you'll play this game, as if it's a stretch to see you as an atheist.
See, that's another argument against Christianity right there - You assume either I am a devoted Christian, or I have no god at all... Atheists believe in nothing. Not Buddha, Krishna, Allah, Yaweh, nothing. But as a Christian, I expect you could not even entertain the thought I could believe in God without being a Christian.... Tell me more about how *I* am meant to be the narrow-minded one, again?
How bout you just tell me what you are?
How 'bout you *beep* off and stop assuming... and stop arguing against things that aren't even the issue.
Maybe it's the culture gap, but I can't talk to someone as unreasonable as you are.
Might be .... but in 40 or so years, once you've grown up, left school, experienced the real world and gotten somewhere close to my own age, you might actually understand.... but until then, boyo, you just work on getting over yourself, maybe doing a touch of homework on seeing beyond your own ignorant opinion.