
Yes, at times it has a certain undesired B/indie feel to it (only because of some weak moments from some of the actors), but all-in-all this is a very well handled gritty western.

Not because of authenticity or realism in itself, but because some of us want this from a western. Caricatures, strong personalities, brutality and Tarantinoesque dialogues, monologues and long scenes all wrapped in a seemingly simple story. It's dirty and unforgiving.

Also - the filming/photography, locations, effects and makeup is all very well done. Breaks my heart it receives the all-damning 5.x on IMDB. Personally, I rate it 8/10. E: And one of the best movies I've seen so far in 2016.


I agree this is fresh and well done. I think the low rating is people used to usual Hollywood Pablum.


I would only put the photography on the plus side.
On the other hand the pacing is poor, acting mediocre, soundtrack absurd.
Some of the "dramatic" moments only provide unintentional comedy.


I enjoyed it also and agree the rating should be higher.


I agree, I enjoyed the film way more than its score here would suggest. I suspect a lot of people read the score and then watched the movie after, and saw what they expected to see from the score and judged it by that instead of just letting themselves enjoy it. I don't know that I'd go as high as 8/10, but it certainly deserves more than a lot of the awful films that sit around 5 on imdb.

I do have a thing for the empowerment of women in action movies though, so seeing the slight young girl come out the victor was very enjoyable.
