Awful storytelling, Purposely cheats the viewer
Putting aside the incredibly slow first half of the season, it was heading somewhere failry interesting. Albeit in a slow, clumsy way.
Episode 12 was some of the worst TV I have ever seen, almost insulting. And its all because of Minx (not the actor, its not her fault), how she was written and expecially directed.
The 'twist' that Drill was the President's daughter was stupid. Not only because it was faily obvious but becuase the show deliberatly tricked you into thinking it was Minx. Good twists don't do that. They drop hints, let you make a conclusion (on your own) then change what you think you know so when you go back you tihnk ahh that's clever. Now that bit makes sense etc.
You go back knowing what you know to episode 12 and its TV for the sake of outright lying to you.
Minx is played far too intense and knowing and evil. She should be written/directed as scared and unsure herself if she is Drill, so we don't know. Is Minx tricking us too, she seems like she can't be Drill... maybe she is. Everything she says and does is totally unnatural, and alien
The worst was when Her dad leaves the cell (after her not knowing Twinkle twinkle little Star (whuch was also very clumsily done) and she looks at the door. With such intensity. That is an outright lie implying she is Drill. She would br crying, scared. Her dad doesn't believe her. She is so in control and calculating.
There is no one in the room, that shot is for us the viewer.
She wouldn't touch Claire, why? the only explanation are: She thinks she might be drill (which would be good) or the show wants you to think she will be burned if she does.
oh.. and the main characters who work for the government don't know Orion is the President's daughter's codename - utterly ridiculous.
This show had a great concept - ruined. As it was far too concered with the twist.
If they had removed the burn plot they could have ramped up the tension with Minx almost being killed (and no offence America but that was never going to happen on a US TV show) simply by allowing her to be scared and us the viewer not sure of who Drill was.
Minx being totally in control and calucating, acting and doing things no child would do simply to make you tihnk she is alien is sloppy and simply bad storytelling