This is a God-Awful Show
Here are a few reasons why:
1. The writers must make every character immensely stupid in order to achieve the desired goal for the end of each episode. They do things that no rational person would do when they know that they're facing a malevolent alien who can control children and electricity.
2. The story changes. Drill can apparently communicate through any light, according to the early episodes, so why is electricity so important now?
3. The fellow who killed Drill as a boy was always a threat, because he knew how to kill him. Why did Drill wait until the main characters found him to kill him? Why not send one of his sociopathic minions to do it as soon as he got to Earth? Are we supposed to believe that the inept FBI and DHS agents discovered a secret (that the boy was still alive) that the hyper-intelligent alien being couldn't discover by using the internet?
5. Lily Rabe's scream.
6. Lena had just attempted to murder someone at the behest of Drill by firing multiple shots into him. Maybe the best course of action is to let her join your Scooby-Doo gang that is currently investigating the man she tried to kill hours ago.
7. The actress who played the man who killed Drill and the one who plays Lena are both also in Zoo. Do their agents automatically rubber stamp anything that comes across their desks?
This show wasn't bad at first. It wasn't the best, but it was entertaining and a little interesting. After the nuclear plant incident, it started become slowly, yet surely, unwatchable. Intelligent, thoughtful programs are invariably cancelled early, but this sort of dreck gets churned out year after year and often stays on the air for long periods of time. The worst part is that this is almost interchangeable with any other "supernatural thriller" that the studios crank out.
In a way, it reminds me of a child's Play-Doh machine. You put in the raw ingredients, squeeze, and out pops one of three different shapes. That's what we see on network TV for the most part these days. There is so little creativity, and even less regard for the audience.