You're in the UK.
That's not how it works get weekly episodes (for example, of Pretty Little Liars).
For network shows, we get nothing until the season ends. Then the whole season is posted.
HOWEVER, for Netflix originals (Orange is the New Black, Wayward Pines, that kid mermaid show).... we get the entire season. All at once.
I'm in agreement. It's so much more pleasant to watch this way.
1. No commercials. Commercials are ridiculous and totally destroy the flow the writers have worked so hard to create.
2. We can tune in whenever, and wherever we want.
3. The only cliffhangers come from season finales- and most of us are okay with that, because we know it won't be cancelled.
4. If the show is discontinued, it's planned and Netflix has enough respect for their audience to create an adequate finale.
5. Rating content. It's Netflix- you can swear. You can show the human body. You can show violence. There's no network restrictions.
6. The shows rarely, if ever, pander to the audience on Netflix. When showrunners watch ratings drop for their live TV shows, that are the network's cash cows, they get desperate. They try to reboot the show, and their efforts usually just lead to tripling the same mistakes they made in the first place, that drove away the original audience. (Pretty Little Liars, American Horror Story, etc.).
Uktimately the best part is that they never just up and cancel a show that people love, and have invested time and money in, and leave it incomplete. That happens to SO many shows I love.
I hope Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and YouTube Red continue to create amazing content that turns people off of network/cable TV, and *forces* the showrunners into completing the show (at least give it a proper ending), airing it consistently, not pandering to fans for $$, and hopefully minimizes the amount of commercials we are exposed to.
For all the times I have tuned in live, purchased a show I loved to keep, and was left hanging by greedy executives who just... Stop the show, without even one episode to wrap it up.... I hope these executives are now literally $hitting their pants. Don't charge me $25 for a season of a show I love when you actually have no plans to continue it, but you're hiding it so people will buy the show. They purposely wait until everyone who would buy copies , buys them, before admitting they are trashing the whole show and its not coming back.
With the amount of money the networks have, and the amount of money people pay for's ridiculous. I pay over $100 a month for cable ... to watch commercials every 7 minutes , watch the desperate pandering of showrunners trying to save a sinking ship, have shows I love totally abandoned with no closure- AND I have to wait a week or more between every episode, plus split seasons are popular in the USA so we have months of hiatus, I can only watch one episode at a time, and I have To watch it when THEY want to air it.
But it's never going to change because networks and showrunners are greedy as heck. So I hope that these services like Netflix, FORCE them into changing to what the audience wants! They've been able to get away with it for so long because they had a monopoly on entertainment and we had no other options.
Now, we do. So....*gives middle finger to her television and happily logs into Netflix*. (Which, by the way, is $10 a month. Yet treats their audience better than people who have paid $100+ a month for cable all their lives.
Burn, networks.... BURNNN!