MovieChat Forums > Forever (2014) Discussion > Found this post from Matt Miller on his ...

Found this post from Matt Miller on his twitter

Gave me chills watch.....if someone can please repost it to make it clickable.


Caution: Flickering images for the first thirty seconds.

I find concussion quite invigorating.


I'm so happy that Matt Miller is still fighting and that the fans are still fighting for Forever to be renewed. It almost gives me hope that maybe Forever can be saved even if it's only a Summer show like how CBS does The Dome and Extant or a Winter break show like how ABC does Agent Carter.

ABC handled this show so stupidly. Gave it a crappy time spot and even then Forever out performed every show that they had had there for years, and it does really well overseas. Forever deserves to come back.


I think it's hilarious that ABC execs mentioned ratings as a reason for Forever's cancellation, when they still don't have a handle on how to calculate the rating numbers in today's TV landscape. The people with the big titles and high salaries at the networks are still failing to account for DVR numbers, let alone live-streaming, mobile viewing, and other methods of watching TV shows which skew traditional, Nielsen-family numbers (which, frankly, are no longer relevant). Plus, those execs are still chasing that golden, 18-45 viewing audience which no longer exists; I mean, most 18-year-olds, if they watch TV at all, are doing it on their phones and tablets and on their own schedule. TV execs need to learn how to court the younger audience without alienating the older, traditional TV watching audience that grew up with 'Must-Watch Thursday' and such. Until then, fabulous shows like "Forever" and "Hannibal" will continue to pop up, tantalize us with their awesomeness, and then disappear into the ranks of 'Cancelled Too Soon.'

Oh, and I when I brought up the main page here for "Forever," I teared up. I am still so sad over its cancellation. I think half my tweets are to promote the petition concerning getting the show a second season.

"Yes! Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"


People watch shows differently now. But the Nielsen ratings are important because broadcast networks still have to rely on ad revenue. So if people are DVR'ing, are they seeing ads?

Ratings for shows are nowhere near what they used to be, but they do show who is watching live and seeing the ads.

At least that's my impression. I watch some shows OnDemand because i can't always catch them live. And i do watch on tv and not on my phone or a tablet. For most broadcast shows, they still have the commercial breaks and the FF feature is disabled, so you have to sit thru the ads.

I do agree with your comments about the 18-25 group. I don't understand why they are so important to advertisers. They have less disposable income. Maybe they're just more willing to spend what they don't have as opposed to an older group who has more money but is more discerning about where they spend it and less likely to be influenced by tv ads.

Fraaaank. FRANK! Get my jean bin. Susie wants my jeans.
No she doesnt.


No, I know Nielsen ratings are still important. I just get annoyed when they're referenced with the same sort of soft-light, divine-chorus reverence that accompanies holy artifacts. That's why shows are so in bed with advertisers anymore, with cameras prominently panning over Ford cars and Apple computers, because of the shifting TV landscape: advertisers still get their revenue and those that DVR can still fast forward through the ads.

You've hit the nail on the head in regards to the younger vs. the older viewers in regards to spending: yes, the younger people are more impulsive, which is fine in the short-run, but for long-tern customer investment, you want to court a viewer who will spend his/her money in a more responsible manner. However, long-term thinking doesn't seem to be a big point with TV executives. Or most big business executives, for that matter.

"Yes! Live! Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"


How is this not returning in a few weeks. How could they give the muppets it's time slot? So meanABC


It was fantastic, I'm crying all over again from the sheer feelings! ❤
And I'm still hopeful!


I miss Forever. It was such a wonderful show to watch. 😢


Agreed. Agreed. and Agreed. What a great video the 'Foreverists' put together (too bad only 2000+ views though on some site I've never heard of - we need to spread that video around all social networking sites & make that viewing # go way up).

It gives me hope that with all the networks & ever-expanding online video streaming sites out there that one will eventually pick it up and save our beloved show from extinction.

Let's keep fighting this fight and never give up. 

"Let he who is without sin try to survive" - Se7en ...t('.'t)
