Why on earth

would anyone cancel this show? It was brilliant!

I am so upset about this! I just watched the last episode and I siimply can't understand how a quality show like this could get cancelled.

So where are we on the petitions and the getting the show to another network?



The show is amazing, brilliant..

We are on fight at:

#saveforever (Twitter with events every week)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/ForeverFansGroup/ (1 group)

https://www.facebook.com/groups/Forever.ABC.fan.page (2 group)

Petition to sign is here: https://www.change.org/p/warner-brothers-warner-brothers-fans-love-the-tv-show-forever

We try for another Network to take. This year is booked but we still fight for the next one!

Thanks :-)


The show doesn't fit ABC' profile. Their target audience are 35-49 women, gay men and men with romantic heart. All Sci Fi shows have failed on ABC, especially those male centric.


i think many women at that age would love this show, with the romance, the love, the flashbacks. This is more than just a sci-fi. Oh and dont forget how charming our hero is in every way


All of my family and friends loved it, in a demographic from 17 to 69. In fact, my nephew was watching "Quantico" with my sister and remarked that it doesn't make you care about the characters like "Forever" did, and he NEVER comments about anything to do with emotions.

She was only watching that to have something to watch with him and wouldn't miss it if they never watched it again. Whereas "Forever" had us all passionately engaged!


I just finished watching the pilot and I'm super bummed now that I only have the remainder of season 1 to look forward to. This, even just based on the pilot, seems to be an awesome show. I don't have cable television so I only heard about the show after it was cancelled but I started watching it online and I loves it.

Edit: I'm in the 35-49 female demographic, too.


This Show is for everyone..


Just finished watching season one and dammit....I want it to continue


Ratings & $$$$.

Most new shows will probably pitch themseolves to Netflix in the future, I'm honestly beginning to think. The 4 main networks are a joke and cater to the cheap reality TV crowd.


No reason why it couldn't get picked up by a different network.


Except that the people involved have moved on. It's next to impossible to get together a creative team beyond a narrow window.


I miss watching Forever on Tuesdays along with The Flash, Agents of SHIELD, and Agent Carter. Wish it was still on iTunes but it's not in the US store.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)
