Big Fucking Lul
Let me break the situation down for you guys who don't waste as much time reading up on movie news as me
Disney's Marvel (the MCU) has always been conservative/reactionary. I don't care about whatever was supposedly in pre-production, Marvel dragged their fucking heels on announcing a female-led superhero movie
And it wasn't Black Widow, it was Captain Marvel. I won't cite the exact date, but it was in the same event where they announced Black Panther, Infinity War I and Infinity War 2, and The Inhumans
Of course, this was AFTER WB announced a slate that included Wonder Woman and a Cyborg film. That's right, WB announced a Cyborg film before Disney gathered the stones to announce a Black Panther film
Anyway, let's fast forward to when the stand-alone Black Widow film was finally announced. It was some time after. When it's all said and done, Feige and the Russo Bros. decide that it's prudent to kill Black Widow off in Endgame
So Disney finally, after years of Twitter people calling them out for not giving her her own movie (which they probably shouldn't have because BW is a lame-ass character, but they understandably caved to pressure) start production on this film
Because BW is now dead, it has to be a prequel, which makes the film seem pointless. And because the pandemic happened, it was released in the way that it was released
So now, in their efforts to appease fans and culture critics and ScarJo, now they're facing a lawsuit which is a way bigger PR "pie in the face" (screwing over their talent and creating a potential civil lawsuit precedent) than they would've ever gotten if they had just ignored requests to make the shitty movie in the first place