Should've been a sequel
BW is resurrected (via some Star Trek III/Genesis way) and its her navigating her way around the Guardians universe trying to get back to present day earth (which means she also somehow has to get back to 2023 from 2014 unless she wants to do a Steve and hide in the shadows as her younger self appears in Winter Soldier, Ultron etc or just stay in space)
basically Black Widow meets Guardians of the Galaxy meets Back to the Future
it wouldnt really have 'undone' the sacrifice in Endgame too much as everyone was expecting her to come back and there was already the big death of Iron Man (which completely overshadowed the death of BW - like had they killed off Chekov or Uhura before Spock in Star Trek II)
surely that wouldve been alot more fun for audiences instead of a dour 'gritty' feminist prequel (which obviously turned alot of casual mcu fans away)
also it wouldve opened to door for BW to be back in the Avengers films (leading the team)