Tjlamb billbrown furriosstyle satan2016 tristianreload norrinrad etc mcu fanboys are going to lost their mind after reading what lucrecia martel told about marvel
""Companies are interested in female filmmakers but they still think action scenes are for male directors. The first thing I asked them was maybe if they could change the special effects because there's so many laser lights... I find them horrible. Also the soundtrack of Marvel films is quite horrendous. Maybe we disagree on this but it's really hard to watch a Marvel film. It's painful to the ears to watch Marvel films."
So, she doesn't like laser lights and doesn't like the Marvel soundtracks (of course, as Wonder Woman can show us you CAN have a unique soundtrack without being made to conform.). She never said they were "quality poor" (probably because it's horrible use of language to say that).
What's funny is at first she claims that companies feel women can't handle directing action scenes and then she goes on to say she doesn't like their style of action scenes. Oh, sweet irony.
And lastly, YOU telling someone to read properly is like Stevie Wonder judging an art competition.