Jorge is Homeless

Why are we just now finding out he lives in a hotel because he got robbed. And why is he afraid to tell Anfisa why he is going to have a problem finding an apartment.


As I said in another thread, it's possible he's on the sex offender registry. If he has money and a job that shouldn't be an issue, thats the only thing I can think of. Hopefully I'm wrong.


If he is on the sex offender registry there are restrictions as to where he can live. It doesn't matter how much money he has.


Which is why he'd have an issue finding an apartment.


I'm still going with my first guess on another thread...that he's in debt of some kind. Even though he's making money, he still owes a lot of debt. Thus, bad credit, thus problems getting an apartment.

Since she's so into money, that's why he'd be scared to tell her.


My guess?
He has a felony conviction -- for drugs.
He's in the green-cross biz...


I find it hard to believe that he doesn't have a house anymore becaus he got robbed. Highly unlikely robbers took all his furniture.


I never even thought about the sex offender angle, but wow that could be interesting. However, of it was something like that I doubt TLC would have him on, they have there hands full with the Josh Duggar scandals.

Opinions are like armpits: Most everyone has two and they usually stink. But have a great day!!!!!


Exactly. That was just his stupid excuse. My bet is he has really crappy credit (because buying expensive cars, flying all over the world, and buying expensive women) and apartments wont lease to him! Or he has a felony conviction.


While having a felony conviction doesn't automatically disqualify you from sponsoring a K-1, it does make the process much longer and more difficult, so I doubt that's it, UNLESS of course he omitted that on his petition, in which case he's guilty of immigration fraud. Still, I think him having sh***y credit is much more likely, as evidenced by him buying designer clothes, bags, phones, jewelry, and trips for his 20-year old fiance, as well as a new Audi to pick her up from the airport.


His story about being robbed is about as fake as her lips.

I don't trust either one of them. When you think about it, they're perfect for each other.


This is a very intriguing angle to me. He is on a TV show trying to sponsor a foreign bride. If he had major skeletons in his closet (pedophile, felon, illegal drug dealer, etc) it would he crazy to put him on the show and for him to try and sponsor someone for permanent residency

Bad credit is possible - but if he is really super wealthy he could figure out some way around that. An Example Is to rent a home from someone on Craigslist and lay first 3 months in advance

In reality, unless he is staying at an extended stay america on a long term lease, he is hemmoraging money to stay at a hotel.

Im very curious what this issue actually is.


How much can one make in the medical marijuana business?
He is driving an R8 I think, which even used would set him back at least $100,000 (not sure what year it is though) and of course, insurance, taxes, gas and maintenance would be expensive for it as well.
Then comes the money he spent on Anfisa, several $10,000s for sure.
Perhaps he is living way beyond his means and has debts he hasn't told her about.


Perhaps he is living way beyond his means and has debts he hasn't told her about.

That's my going theory, too! (See my comment above, lol). Debt or bad credit or both. Since all Anafisa cares about is his money, obviously he would be hesitant to tell her this.
