One look at Luisa's Facebook page makes it readily apparent that she is absolutely desperate for fame, and I am sure she figured that creating a reality show love triangle would be a quick and easy way to accomplish this. Not to mention that there is nothing exceptional or extraordinary about her that would set her apart from the million other surgically enhanced bleached blonde fake-breasted girls thirsty for a break into show business. Once Mohamed's opportunities to appear on camera for the show disappear, I'm sure she will too.
She is also all over websites about cheaters and such, similiar to dirty .com I agree all this was for her to get famous. Google her name...she is everywhere!
Doc: Thanks for the tip, I did google her and get a load of this:
Luisa Ann Berry of SC is a liar, a cheater, a manipulator and a homewrecker. She will spin her little sob story and play the distressed damsel who has been wronged by everyone. The truth is she is the one doing wrong. She has cheated on numerous boyfriends, she has been married and cheated on him with not one but at least two guys. She tried to ruin one family in Florida (all you have to do is google her name). And now she is back in SC trying her best to ruin families here as well! Her pattern is always the same. She meets them and pretends to be sweet to them when they are down or going through stuff. She plays the “friend” with the shoulder to lean on and the one to confide in. When their guard is down before the guy knows it she starts to flirt and then reels them in by telling them awful stories she’s made up about things that have happened to her. The next thing the guy knows he’s hooked with lines like “I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I connect with you on a deeper level than I have with anyone before” and then comes “I love you more than I have ever loved anyone else” and the guy is done circling the drain and giving up his soul to this black widow spider.
She is currently involved with another married man and tearing his family apart. She has absolutely no regard for the sanctity of marriage and obviously she has no morals or values. She should be ashamed of herself. I bet her parents (the ones she had to move back in with at the age of 35 – because she’s such a loser) are real proud of the awful person she has grown up to be. Men pay attention…this is a game to her. To the sucker she’s screwing wth now…it’s just a matter of time buddy before you find out that you gave up everything for nothing. I guarantee that she’s got something going with a couple more guys when you’re busy. Remember buddy, with this slimy fake blonde bimbo there’s always a side piece.
That post is dated late July 2016....I wonder if the "sucker" this poster refers to is Mohamed .....ah, it'd be rich to see the tables turned and him on the other end of a con game. Well at least he now knows what she's always doing glued to her phone....she's lining up the next poor slob.
Thanks for posting the links! I went down that rabbit hole not so long ago and was amazed at it all..just trashy! As for the man in July possibly being Mohammed, I have no idea. Possibly crosschecking his fb page and see if his posts align to then would provide the answers?
South Carolina... that’s the South’s South. Peckerwood women like that will roll you. R.I.P. Muhammad, who jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
On her Instagram she really photoshops her pictures like no other; on the show she looks like she is in her mid 40s. And is she "Latina"? Someone commented on a photo of hers 'Don't mess with a Latina Mohamid' and yes that's how the person spelled his name.