Trey Parker!

I love South Park (and even though that's not for kids) he's gonna be amazing in this!


Trey is great at vocal delivery. It will hopefully be a blast to watch this. πŸ˜‚

Mouthal smell is a form of sensory input. See, if you listen carefully, you can hear the mouth.


Hopefully Matt Stone will join the voice cast too


If Universal succeeds in having Matt Stone voice cameo in this new Despicable Me film, then perhaps we can expect South Park-type humor (albeit kid-friendly)?


Wow, first time reading about this. I thought Matt and Trey turned their back on Hollywood after the whole Team America ordeal but this is great news.

Trey's involvement means the script is likely up to scratch.

I hope his character has a music number. Highly looking forward to this movie.

I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.


Trey's involvement means he has a daughter who's the right age to be a big fan of the Despicable Me franchise.

Movie sequels podcast:


Yes this is probably exactly why. But regardless it's still going to be awesome.

Voted biggest @sshole and role model of the year.


Really? So much for your standards. At least he won't be spewing potty mouthed political garbage in this movie.


I'm shocked they didn't get Seth MacFarlane given his career is much better than Trey Parker


LOL Can you give me hard facts as to Why Seth Mcfarlane is more successful so therefore he should have been cast?????


Well MacFarlane has created two great shows and one crappy show, directed three films, hosted the Oscars, is looked on positively by the general public and has many accomplishments
Parker & Stone on the other hand created one overrated show, made only two movies, got into trouble for making fun of Scientology and Muhammed, and are frowned upon by the general public

"How's that am I in the Ballpark?"


Youve missed that they have Tony awards....


Hmm offended Scientology? They do that all on their own ahahahahahahahaha




Macfarlene has written 4 episodes of Family Guy, 2 of American Dad, 1 episode of the Cleveland Show and 3 (crappy) movies. He's directed 3 movies and about 3 episodes of his shows.

Trey has written 277 episodes of South Park and 4 movies that walk all over Macfarlene's. He has also won 3 Tony's with 9 total to Book of Mormon. He's directed 267 episodes of South Park and 4 movies.

But keep trolling.


Ted 1 is not crappy his other two movies are just ok


Getting in trouble with public for making fun of scientology and Prophet Mo? May the ultra left progressive fringe, but they aren't the "public". I dare say the non-PC (ie. majority) of at least western public audience don't have any real sympathy for either Xenu or Mo.


lol, riiiiiiight


Seth MacFarlane voiced a mouse in Sing. More successful career than Parker? Eh... not quite. I'm surprised by Trey Parker's involvement too. His character already seems interesting in this. πŸ™‚


If this came out fifteen years ago, I might be excited.

Whatever you are, be a good one.
