MovieChat Forums > Baskets (2016) Discussion > I look forward to not watching this...

I look forward to not watching this...

Because it looks like @#$%.


Anything with Zach G. Is $?¡? anyway so I expect nothing more.


Produced and co-written by Louis C.K. and you think it will be SHÍT!? HAH!!

You'd require a pretty tragic sense of humor to find the project detestable enough to whine about to strangers.


Louis' TV show sucks.

And you seem unclear on how discussion boards work.


The same could be said about you, as the two of you seem to know how discussion boards work.

See! I, for one, KNOW how discussion boards work. If it seems as if I am bragging, then I probably am doing just that. Get on with it, my chum. Have a good day or evening. Hell, you could have a good morning if you would more so enjoy it. Thou must look after number one at all times.


You don't seem very smart.


And yet he still seems smarter than you. Go figure.

"All in the game..." - Omar Little


Louis tv show is amazing.

You don't get hard this quick unless its real.


It USED to be amazing... back when he treated it like a Comedy.


This looks like it's made by the same dbags who made that sh!tty show with Billy Crystal and Josh Gad.

Also, Louie CK's show does blow. Lucky Louie was a much better show.


Lucky Louie was a cookie cutter sit com... with no limits on dialogue. What is so special about that? Louie pushes those same boundaries, but with a more modern and original format. Really just depends what kind of comedy you prefer.


dont get it twisted, its about to be hilarious. especially after hearing that, i did not know he was involved. not a huge fan, but i love Zach, and trust Louis writing mostly


You've been a member since 2005, so I can only assume you're an adult. But I wouldn't expect adults to post something so childish and immature. Then again, immaturity makes up 99% of the posts on these boards.


Please do go @#$% off.




Yeah, it looks like a(ss).

I'd love to have Barbara Walters, Susan Lucci and Joan Collins for an all-night funfest.


It will be a big success. I am looking forward to watching this show and even more I look forward to you not watching it and never posting again. Loser.


UH OH! Feelings hurt! Somebody call the whambulance!


It might be good, but I think there is no way it will be a success.
