To all the posters who commented "It's just a dog:" You are heartless jerks. Don't say, e.g. "They're dirty, they lick their balls, etc." because if you could reach yours, so would you. The fact is humans are just highly evolved mammals with cellphones...(many not so "highly evolved.")
In the film that dog was his brother and only friend after his wife betrayed him. His brother/dog was faithful and stood by him like a BFF. It's been long known that "A dog is a man's best friend." His sadistic "wife" told him how his dog (brother) suffered pain and moaned as she kicked him to death. Yes, dogs and animals feel the same pain humans feel, you cold moron.
You "it's only a dog people" are unfeeling and soulless "humans"(?) not to consider how much dogs have positively impacted human lives since we lived in caves. Multiple thousands of dogs have saved peoples' lives and their children. In the Military dogs are given hero's medals and burials. Many dogs have saved hundreds of soldier groups in battle. Google it.
FYI, many people only have their dog(s) for security, comfort and companionship. Homeless people rely on their dog for protection living in tents and streets.
Many people will not leave their homes in an evacuation crisis, (e.g., in current floods in south Louisiana) unless they can takes their pets and animals with them. In the Katrina evacuations, they were forced to leave pets behind but now people take them. I know I wouldn't leave my dogs behind to drown. I'd stay with them like they would with me.
Everybody knows this, you've done nothing besides stating the obvious, but to what end may I ask...?
To all the posters who commented "It's just a dog:" You are heartless jerks. You "it's only a dog people" are unfeeling and soulless "humans"
In the film that dog was his brother and only friend In the film that dog was his brother and only friend In the film film
You sound like you believe they actually killed a real dog for this movie... please stop. There's enough idiots around that believe so.
Most people who are saying "get over it, it's just a dog" are saying that it's just a dog getting killed IN A MOVIE. It's not f_cking real, or do you need a reminder everytime you go see a movie...?
If you can't tell fact from fiction then you're the one with a problem.
I love dogs as much as the next guy, but please, take this SJW crap elsewhere. Just because someone with half a brain sees the purpose of a (fake) dog getting killed in this particular movie/context doesn't mean they don't give a f_ck about animals and would be ok with stomping a dog to death irl.
I honestly don't understand people like you. You tell me you like animals better than humans? Cool, won't argue with that. You say you won't watch a movie if an animal gets killed? To each his own, but if something fake keeps you from seeing a movie which, in itself, is the very definition of "entertainment" (again, ALL fiction), I think it's pretty damn stupid.
But that's not what this is about.
Yes, a (fake) dog gets killed in this movie, which is not even set in our reality. Yes, us viewers are supposed to feel empathy and sorrow, because that's the sort of feeling that the main character should also feel considering that the dog was his brother.
I'm fine with that. It's part of the story, it moves the plot along, as animal deaths in movies usually do. But the plot doesn't stop there, the dog wasn't the main character, his brother does get revenge for him, and only idiots would stop watching a movie over something so trivial.
I don't f_cking watch people drowning puppies or setting dogs on fire in my spare time. If I see someone abusing a pet irl, I intervene.
So please, stop acting like a butthurt idiot when we're talking about f_cking movies, because it's really embarassing.
You're the butthead.* I KNOW the dog didn't get killed for real. That is obvious. However, lots of posters wrote "It's just a dog " meaning dogs in general, are "just an animal" vs. humans. That is the issue what I was addressing; not the fake dead dog in the film. Jesus, get real, man.
It was not necessary for you to be condescending. Who are you anyway? An idiotic board monitor who doesn't understand posts? READ my post again. This time without your bias, prejudice, drugs or alcohol.
That's nice you stop people from abusing a pet but that wasn't what my post was about. You read what you wanted into my post. And you were wrong.
And yes, I like animals way better than "people" like you.
P.S. *Did you really mean to write "butthurt" [sic] when you meant butthead? or was that a Freudian slip of your last night's sex? Also learn to spell.
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Again, nobody cares to discuss such a thing on a movie board, so take this somewhere else. Do you see other people discussing what it's like to be blind, or to be blinded against your will? Do you see people discussing the real-life issues of having a lisp?
You're just making f_cking generalizations about people you don't know from anywhere due to some posts on a board about a movie. This really doesn't belong here, and I'm not sure what you expected... People arguing with you on why they think that dogs' lives are nothing compared to a human's? How do you not understand that the people on this board are referring to the fact that "it's just a dog" in a movie? What gives you the right to assume that they feel the same way about real dogs...? You make no sense whatsoever.
I'm very aware that there are people who seem to believe otherwise, but guess what? You won't find them on the movie board for The Lobster, which doesn't even get that much activity to begin with. The few people that come here *and* post just want to talk about the movie itself, and you're unlikely to find those "people" you speak of in a place for discussion about something that's not "real" to begin with, and even if you did, chances are they're taking into account that a fake dog, not a real one, was killed, hence their comments. If you had taken the time to read some other threads, you'd know that most arguments start with "oh I can't watch this movie because of the dog" when in fact "it's just a dog" in a movie.
You can't be serious if you assume that what people say on the internet has this or that implication in real life as well, because that's f_cking ridiculous.
Who are you anyway? An idiotic board monitor who doesn't understand posts?
Uh, no. And I understood your post very well. It's still useless and uncalled for though.
This time without your bias, prejudice, drugs or alcohol.
Ah, typical troll behavior; assuming things with nothing to back them up, taking easy cheap shots in hopes of scoring "extra" points when they know they're in the wrong.
P.S. *Did you really mean to write "butthurt" [sic] when you meant butthead?
Lol, so now you're telling me what I meant to write? I find it funny for you to lecture someone when you don't even know what the word "butthurt" means.
Also learn to spell.
Said the textbook troll who had nothing else to say. Good job. You, on the other hand, might want to check your spelling and your SJW agenda... because you clearly got the wrong place to talk about this kind of stuff. Do you also go to fire stations and tell them fires are bad?
No one will argue with what you said, especially because the audience is supposed to feel the loss of said dog, so... yeah, this is all obvious and uncalled for.
Have a nice one :)
Fine, fine, I'll leave! But first I'm going to bother these peanuts! Hmm? Yes? Hmm? HMM? reply share