MovieChat Forums > The Hateful Eight (2015) Discussion > Satisfies white peoples' pathological ne...

Satisfies white peoples' pathological need to use the N word

Stopped watching it after 25 minutes. I have no desire to sit through a film which serves only to satiate racist white peoples' wet dreams. I get the feeling that if certain white people felt unable to say this word, they would froth at the mouth and drop dead. Bet the readers of Stormfront loved this movie.



Seriously man. Its like Tarantino thinks the word is trendy or some sick shlt. I get it, it's back in the day, the word was used. But he overdid it here.


He does it because he thinks he's an honorary black guy. Unfortunately, there's no way he would continue to do it if he didn't get overwhelming support and approval from black audiences, so clearly he's getting cheered on and is therefor unlikely to stop.


Tarantino writes realistic dialogue that makes you forget you are watching a film. The Sopranos is amazing but they have these psychopathic mass murderers tip toeing around the N word all 6 seasons calling them mulians or some shit. Takes you out of the illusion and reminds you, you are watching pc hollywood crap not real gangsters


Guess it's only ok if you're a black rapper right?


Guess it's only ok if you're a black rapper right?

Yes. Just accept it and move on. The only reason someone would care is because they want to say it too.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


I will not accept this libturd! Why should I not be allowed to say the word cause the color of my skin yet are subjected to hear it all day in popular music, that I can't even sing along to?!? Either we all say it or non of us...


Nope, you guys intepret in the complete opposite way. He's trying to put it out there and in-your-face so that we HAVE to address. A typical white person would want to cowardly sweep it under the rug as if the word never existed. Tarantino is saying "Oh *beep* that, we're ALL gonna deal with this right here and now"


If that truly were his motive (assuming that you know this for a fact), then he's only preaching to the choir.
That's not going to stop racist White people from calling Blacks "n!gger".
A movie is not going to force anybody to "deal" with anything if they've already made their mind up.
People are going to think what they want to think.


Then nothing matters


I love the movies but hate the word. I hate that it has so much power


we're bringing back "porch monkey"


What the hell is Stormfront?


It's a white supremacist forum, and they fûcking hate this movie. Funnily, they're bitching about it isn't all that different from the OPs.


Just an ignorant opinion based on your own admission on not having even seen the movie.


I've been called the N-word nearly my entire life. Many people have who aren't black. Sorry, there's no monopoly anymore. i'm white, partly native, we get called Bush-N...s up here. I've been beaten while being calling the N word, can i use the word? In the middle east they're harassed as Sand-N... in the same way, can they use it? is you criteria that only black people can use it? or only black people that have had it used against them? or any person that's had it used against them? i'm confused? oh wait... so are you.

Words evolve, and aren't owned by anyone.

The idea that you own a word because it's been used against you is asinine. I don't use it because i choose not to. But i'm also not offended by it.

Nor do i think people 'just can't wait' to use it. It's a movie, i thought it was used just fine, and i get to say so, because i've been abused by it as much as anyone else on here, with the blessing of my co-ownership of the word, i bless this film with the right to use it. A right placed on me by the fact that it was used in a hateful, racist way while being abused.


You ought to get outside more


I think Tarantino uses it for the same reason Richard Pryor and Mel Brooks used it.
