Seriously,... 18 on the Richter Scale? ROFL
So they are going to blow some nukes to cause an earthquake 18 on the Richter Scale?
Right,... except the asteroid that killed all the dinosaurs was estimated to be a 13 on the Richter scale.... and the writers seemed to have failed to research that the Richter scale is logarithmic.
That means 18 is not half as much more as the 13 one quake that murderdered the poor Dino's... no... an 18 on the Richter Scale would rip this planet to pieces, because an 18 one is many many many many many many many times greater then a 13 scale one.
The planet would probably shake so bad it'll crack the tectonic plates in a second, like a smashed egg thrown at a wall at great speed, smashing the eggshell in many little pieces.
The inner magma of the planet would pour so massively out of the inner core... that after an 18 one on the Richter Scale,... all that will be left of this planet is nothing more then a hot ball of magma floating in space.
Provided the planet has not been torn to pieces so much, that all that magma is not ejected away from the planet anyway.
And when all the earths magma would have covered the entire surface of the earth, or what is left of it,... nothing, litterally nothing will be left alive.
Now I know this is just one of Syfy-channel's cheap made an utterly stupid movies.... But seriously... is it so freaking difficult when you write a crap story like this, to look up what the Richter Scale actually entails?
There are many B-movies I really like.... I would call this one not even a Z.
And dont get me started on how the soldiers act here.... So you are the USA gov/military,... you want to recruit some people quickly and gather a team to solve a problem. So you enter their houses and their workplaces and you aim your guns at them, for no other reason then to make this movie look more stupid.