MovieChat Forums > War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) Discussion > Very bad movie. All 3 parts of this tril...

Very bad movie. All 3 parts of this trilogy declined in quality as they went

I re-watched trilogy in 3 days. 1 movie per night. And it was so noticeable how quality of these movies declined with each part.

Usually we have 1-st movie to set up. Then there is middle movie. And then 3-rd one is big spectacle and closure. This time trilogy peaked with first movie. Then second was declining. And third was just awful. It was so boring that I wanted to fast-forward few times.

First movie (James Franco one) stands out as classic. Everything was amazing in it. Script, cast, pacing. I still remembered very well what was going on. I watched 2 and 3 movie in theaters and had no recollection of script at all. So forgettable it was.

Second movie was about electricity and dam. And lead actors declined from James Franco to Jason Clarke who is just not a leading actor. He was solid but boring. Supporting cast was as un-memorable. People still ask why James Franco did tot return to second part. But no one asks why Jason Clarke and his family did not return to third part and where they are. Because no one cares. When someone mentioned Malcolm here I had to look up who that was.

Then we have third movie where Woody Harrelson plays some Evil Colonel. Who is evil because he is crazy. Who kills Caesars wife and son for no reason and then vanishes into the waterfall. And we don't give a crap because movie never gave them personalities and all apes look the same and it's even hard to single out any. And Caesar and buddies go to some camp where his fellow apes conveniently are imprisoned because Crazy Woody needs them to move stones because his commanders are to get him and fire. And he doesn't want to be fired. And that's the plot. How on earth all Caesars apes were imprisoned and brought to camp as Caesar himself was basically running to that camp also and his apes were going into different direction?

One second Colonel wants to kill apes. Then he wants to imprison them to move stones...

It's like they had great idea to start if off with how virus was created. And then didn't know what to do with other 2 movies. And by the time third one started they were creatively bankrupt. So here comes crazy Colonel and Stones.

The only interesting part of this movie was revelation that Virus mutated and Dumbed Down people. And this is how we transition to original movies where people were really dumb. Because here we see that after 15 years they are still fine. But if virus mutated then it makes sense.

They really should have done 4-th movie.


The 4th movie comes out in May


Yeah, I know. But it's more like new trilogy or something. It's not continuation of Caesar story and how humanity declined. They are done with that.

It's been 7 years between movies. New one is just new money grab. And it does not look good in trailer. It's like remake of 1968 movie minus the cool space stuff. They have moved past "humans try to survive but dumb down".

Now it's "Apes completely took over and have their kingdoms" and "humans no longer have brains and are savages". While in Caesar story we saw Apes getting little smarter but humans still ruled and were civilized.

I will watch of course. But don't have any high hopes.


How do you know the humans have no brains and are savages? The woman I saw in the trailer was all done up very nicely. She certainly didn't look like a brainless savage


Because movie tells us from the very first movie. Put on pause in new trailer and watch people by the river. Those are savages. They live in primitive state. And don't understand much. Dumb Downess complete. Movie probably jumped like 50-100 years from Caesar times.

They always put Hot Savage Woman with perfect hair, teeth and mascara in those movies. Remember Estella Warren from Mark Wahlberg movie. And original had those too. They feel like people will be bored with watching just apes doing apes stuff. So they insert humans to tag along. And choose hot woman.

It doesn't look to be any different this time. She is McGuffin. Or best case scenario - another space traveler through time. Who got into warmhole and ended up in future.


I agree that the sequels are much weaker than the first one, but I don't think they're necessarily awful. In fact, they're a lot better than pretty much every other franchise that Hollywood has been doing to death for the last nearly two decades.


agree the 1st is by far the best. An ingenious reboot/origin of the Apes saga (as well as being a remake of Escape/Conquest) , with much foreshadowing, homages to the classic original film

When Dawn came out and critics were saying its better I was like 'uh?' as OK it was good (and made almost double the box office, sending Apes into the big Transformers/Fast&Furious league) and had Gary Oldman delivering the Apes franchise first F bomb ,it wasn't the near masterpiece Rise was.

War was a borefest despite being called 'War for the POTA' (which conjures up all kinds if epic scenarios which the end of the previous one had pretty much done anyway) and like the 3rd Matrix went back to the original films 'sleeper' box office as audiences realised it wasn't as good as the last one or the brilliant 1st


I've had this movie on blu-ray since it came out and have never got around to watching it.

Some part of my brain keeps telling me to give it a pass.
