MovieChat Forums > Cake (2015) Discussion > Buying illegal Oxy in LA?

Buying illegal Oxy in LA?

I was wondering how hard is it to find a dealer in LA that will sell you Oxy or other pain killers. They show Clair going to Mexico to buy drugs which to me seems kinda ridiculous. LA and California in general has various artistic industries in which people might use prescription pills more than they will use weed or other illegal drugs.


Good point .


Because Tijuana is only a few hours away and it is "legal" for her to buy the pills in Mexico. The only thing illegal about what she did was trying to bring them over an international border. Buying pills from a pharmacist is much easier (especially for a middle class white woman) than buying pills on the street.


Buying pills from a pharmacist is much easier (especially for a middle class white woman) than buying pills on the street.

Not to mention that they would also be about 20 times more expensive if bought on the street.



Plus, did you see the size of the bottles the Mexican pharmacist had, and did you see the glimpse of the long list she handed him? He said "that's a lot." He even reiterated it was a LOT of pain medication. The statues were hollow so not sure if she got the thing completely filled or not, but a person likely couldn't buy that much on the street. And as previously mentioned, it would cost a small fortune.


Yeah this bothered me at first, but I agree that it might be harder for a rich person to find or know someone to buy off of.

I do still have some issues with this however. Someone who takes so much pain medication isn't going to all of the sudden realize their out of pills, they will always know what they have and try to get more before they get too low because they know what unbearable pain they will be in and will have withdraw issues.

Another issue I had was her driving to Mexico. someone in that much pain isn't going to want to take a long car ride.


it is said an oxy 40 costs around $40 in the streets. I don't know, just read it. But the price would be enough to make anyone wonder.
Going for a long ride? why not? the pain is with you whatever you do. So, of course, you cannot run or jump, but being in a car should not be too bad.


I'm a sufferer of chronic pain and I can tell you that for me, long car rides are hell. Sitting in that one position for so long causes my lower back and hips to explode in pain. Holding my feet and ankles in that bent position and constantly having to flex my ankle while working the pedals is also extremely painful. It aggravates my arthritis and tendinitis.

Traveling is very hard for me, whether it's a long car ride or a long flight.


I suffer from chronic pain as well. Long car rides are terrible, I recently had to drive for an hour and I was in so much pain I wanted to cry and that was on medication, there is now way I could do the long ride to Mexico, especially with no medication. The two times I've run out of medication I was curled up in a ball on my bed and that was for a half a day.


Exactly. Sending chronic-pain-sufferer-hugs-and-high-fives. :)


You shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle under the influence of opiate painkillers. Just sayin'.


Illegal drug purchasing is all about who you know. Back in college, where presumably there are plenty of locals who deal, how many people ran out of weed until the break and they could make it back home, etc.

She went to "that pharmacy you told me about" because it's from the housekeeper's home town. No one knows anyplace to buy in LA except for doc shopping, and she's apparently burned most of those bridges.
