Joe being an "almost" pedophile. Did I miss something? Seems to have come out of nowhere. (to me) My theory was for Tom being the killer and I can see his dad covering for him but......
Kind of fits with what Susan and Ellie both felt. . . "How could you not know?" But that's how pedophiles get away with so much for so long- there aren't always obvious clues, so I didn't feel tricked.
So - are pedophiles like homosexuals ("born that way") and just can't help being sexually attracted to children? How do we understand bisexuals, then? Are "pedophiles" like Joe who have successfully fathered children (had sex) with a grown woman obviously NOT strictly "born that way" - at least as far as any performance issues???
Why do we all condemn pedophiles so badly - while (now) embracing homosexuals/bisexuals??? Is two 12 year old boys "experimenting with each other" (sexually) OK? How about a 14 yo boy with a 12 yo? Just seems to me our modern society is now TOTALLY screwed up (pun intended ;-) regarding sexual activity, volition and morality.
Here is a real world example of a Joe Miller type person -
Why do we all condemn pedophiles so badly - while (now) embracing homosexuals/bisexuals???
If your question was meant to be serious, then here's the answer: homosexuals are consenting adults.
The remainder of your post is irrelevant. Children do engage in sexual play with one another but that is what children will do. Children are by definition non-adults and incapable of giving consent.
This argument wears the whiskers of age. It's everywhere used to condemn homosexuality by those incapable of discerning the difference between homosexuality and pedophilia. There is no connection between the two. Pedophiles were sexually abused as children. Homosexuals are born as they are. They are not made.
Now you've been enlightened, JustBob in Kansas City. 🎉 Here's hoping you won't connect child sexual abuse with LGBT ever again.
Some things you just can't ride around...
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Yes - EXACTLY the LGBT party line - which neither makes it true NOR addresses the main question I posed. (BTW - if you study the scientific evolutionary concept of Neoteny - it quite easily justifies "pedophilia" as biologically "normal" further evidence is the prevalence of this activity throughout so many human cultures - from pagan Greeks and Romans to many modern day Islamic cultures like "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan"
What makes it wrong in our OWN culture is merely our Christian sexual moral philosophical history - the very same history that declared homosexuality itself as immoral (and medically classified as a "mental disease" by both major psychological and psychiatric associations in the USA into the 1970's.)
So please don't preach this irrational nonsense that "homosexuality" is biologically "normal" while pedophilia isn't. They may both be "normal" for some people - but their societal disadvantages FAR outweigh any broader societal acceptance - in any actual thoughtful sane society.
Volition and self-control really does count far more than base "normal" sexual desires. And as Freud himself observed - sexual self-control is the very basis for civilized society.
This was the only "clue" I saw about Joe and Tom prior to the season finale: in the first episode, Mark is making a chipper walk through the town saying hello to everyone and he talks to most of the main characters. When Mark talks to Ellie, Joe, and Tom about their vacation, Tom is the only one in the group that doesn't say hello to him, and Joe glances over to Tom while they are talking. But it is very brief and only something I noticed on a re-watch.
I'd have to rewatch the episode to figure out if there was a subtle clue, but the scene after Jack's funeral comes to mind when Joe angrily interrupts Carver's interruption of Tom and Paul's conversation. Carver insists he joined the pair because he saw Paul put his hand on Tom's leg, and was looking out for the boy. I don't remember specifically what Joe did, other than scoff at Carver and usher Tom away, but maybe there was a subtle reaction I didn't pay attention to.