
Nikkibins user review is spot on. As a Londoner, I love regional comedies and this is just brilliant.
The cast is superb, especially Philip Jackson (Gramps) and Rebekah Staton (Della).
A box set would sell - no question!


I loved it too, looking forward to the next series. I didn't expect this board to be so dead though, it deserves to be really popular!

We don't need these happy endings.


That's what I found unusual too, the board being dead. Would have thought there'd have been some threads talking about the seasons but there's almost nothing.


This board is dead and there are no critic reviews. I don't understand. Funny, subversive, surprising, original.
"Dora The Explorer makes me thirsty." Its kinda brill.


I'm and American and I love it.


O sweetie, please, for future reference, proof read if you're going to state you're from America. Lest, you make us all look ignorant.
Kidding, as the Brits say, I'm just 'having a go.' ;)
