"If you need to break things, by God, you break them!"
That trailer was really awesome. But what kind of advice is that to give to a kid? That's not how you deal with things, that's how you turn your kid into a petulant sh*tlib who just throws a tantrum when he's upset. I don't dig this romanticizing of adolescent behavior we see in movies. Adults act that way now, and it can't be a coincidence that that's how they saw people behave in pop culture all growing up.
Maybe in the context of this particular movie it made more sense for her to say it. But on the face of it, "If you wanna break things, break them," spoken as if they're the last, romantic dying words of someone close to you (that's how it seemed in the trailer), borders on abusive advice to give to a kid.
What she SHOULD have said is, "If you break something on purpose, I'm docking your pay for your chores until you can buy me a new one." Except the problem with that is it not only punishes him for his tantrum, it also sort of glorifies the material thing itself. So probably what I'd say is, "If you break something on purpose, whatever that thing was worth, you're going to give that much to a charity with the money you make from your chores."
Teach that little punk.