Yeah, but depending on the director's and/or writer's intent, depending on what kind of story they're telling, death/the process of dying and disease (and the grief and anger of those around the dying individual) are worth exploring over an entire film. Ya can't brush it off as "just" another part of life, it's a HUGE part of life. A part that most people have trouble with. Partly to blame for this is the fact that most societies shy away from open discussion of death the majority of the time, but majorly to blame are the unrealistic expectations taught to children who then grow up to be emotionally stunted adults when it comes to death. Lying to kids (or having been lied to as kids ourselves and buying into it/not properly questioning and testing it and then passing it on to other generations) doesn't lead to any emotional maturity about death, either, re: religion and spirituality.
I agree that we don't need to see outright "grief porn" across our cinema screens constantly, but once in a while a movie like this is healthy to expose yourself to, y'know ?